kaycix / humboldtnativeplants

Repository of information regarding Humboldt County California native plants
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Humboldt Native Plants

Build better landscapes with native plants.

Humboldt Native Plants is an open source website dedicated to promoting the native plants of Humboldt County. Native plants are a crucial tool to fight climate change, support wildlife, and restore our local ecosystem. This website provides information on finding the right native plants for your garden and opportunities to connect over native plants through community.

This websute uses GitHub Pages and Jekyll https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll

Jekyll uses the templating language Liquid https://jekyllrb.com/docs/liquid/

It also uses the Jekyll theme Minimal Mistakes https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes

To start server, use command: bundle exec jekyll serve --host (ipaddress) eg. bundle exec jekyll serve --host

Plant ID is generated by performing "md5 | cut -c 1-5" on the lowercase, underscore-delineated scientific name. eg. achillea_millefolium 28457

echo achillea_millefolium | md5 | cut -c 1-5

A command that processes all the plant names from the plants directory: for i in $(ls -1 | sed 's#(.*).md#\1#g'); do echo $i " " $(echo $i | md5 | cut -c 1-5); done;

A command to add id to plant files: count=1; for i in $(ls -1); do sed -i '' 's#^id: ([0-9]*)#id: '$count$'#g' $i; ((count=count+1)); done;