kaytoxlll / mechanical-failure

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/mechanical-failure
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Copyright (c) 2012 Bailey Mihajlich

Licensed under the GNU GPL v.2

See license.txt for licence information

Mechanical Failure - Readme

Sections: System Requirements Software Requirements Installation Instructions (Windows) Installation Instructions (Linux) Controlls Gameplay - Exploration Gameplay - Combat

System Requirements:

PC and Linux (Mac in theory, untested)
Just about any processor
Just about any graphic card
Keyboard and mouse

Software Requirements:

Python 2, 32-bit version--------http://www.python.org/download/

Installation Instructions (Windows):

Step 1: Install Python 32-bit version 2.7:
    Direct link to installer for Windows: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/python-2.7.3.msi
    To test if it installed properly:
        Click on Start button from desktop
        Search: python
        Should see: Python (command line) as an option
        It should open a command prompt
Step 2: Install PyGame:
    Direct link to installer for Windows: http://pygame.org/ftp/pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.7.msi
    To test that it installed properly:
        Run Python (see step 1)
        Type: import pygame (and click enter)
        If nothing happens except another prompt line appears, then Pygame is installed
Step 3: Run Mechanical Failure
    Download the latest release of Mechanical Failure from http://code.google.com/p/mechanical-failure/downloads/list
    Unzip the archive (right-click and select Extract)
    Navigate to the newly unzipped folder
    Double-click on the file: main.py

Installation Instructions(Linux):

If you are using Linux, you can probably figure all this out :)

To Run the Game:

Windows---------Double-click on main.py 
    Linux-----------Navigate the working directory to the folder with main.py in it
        Execute from the command line: python main.py


W---------------Move up
A---------------Move left
S---------------Move down
D---------------Move right
SPACE-----------Drink a potion
E---------------Examine / Talk
L-CLICK---------Swing weapon
R-CLICK---------Shoot gun (aim with mouse)
Q---------------Place a bomb

Gameplay - Exploration:

Use the WASD keys to move the character.  The WASD keys act as arrow keys. 

For example: W is up, A is left, etc. By holding two keys, you can move diagonally.

To interact with various people and objects in the world, press E

while facing the target. This is a good way to learn about something new.

You can use bookstands to save your progress, simpy press E while facing 

them. If you die or exit the game, you are given the option to load your last save when you continue, or start back at the beginning.

Some doors can only be unlocked when all the enemies in the area have 

been killed. Some doors can only be unlocked by keys. If you have one or more keys in your inventory, press E to unlock a door. This consumes one of your keys.

If you see an item lying on the ground, walk over it to pick it up.

The HUD (heads-up-display) on the left side of the screen shows you what items you have. If you see an item on display in a shop, examine it with E.

Gameplay - Combat:

If an enemy attacks you, you will loose hit-points (HP).  If your HP 

reaches zero, you die: game over. You can heal yourself by drinking potions (Spacebar) if you have any.

Once you have a melee weapon, Left-click to swing it in the direction 

you are facing. Enemies you hit will be injured and knocked back slightly. For maximum effectiveness, hold Left-mouse-button to swing continuously. Melee attacks can destroy some objects.

Once you have a gun, Right-click to fire at a target.  The gun will 

fire wherever the mouse cursor is aimed. If your target is moving, you may need to "lead" the target by aiming where they are going to be in order to hit them.

Once you have bombs, press Q to place a bomb in front of you.  The bomb 

will blow up when it's fuse burns out, damaging anything nearby, including you! If a bomb is hit by an attack, it will blow up instantly. Some walls can only be destroyed by bombs.