kazurayam / TestClosure

Proof of Concept "TestClosure". This enables executing multiple Groovy Closures simultaneously in a Test Case in Katalon Studio.
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This is a Katalon Studio project for demonstration purpose. You can download the zip from the Releases page, unzip it, open it with your local Katalon Studio.

This project was developed using Katalon Studiio v7.9.1. But it should work on all KS 7.0+.

This project proposes a new concept TestClosure for Katalon Studio. This project provides a preliminary implementation and demonbstrations as a proof of concept.

Problem to solve

Many of Katalon Studio users want to execute multiple test processings parallelly. Me too. They have their own requirements. In my case, I want to take a lot of web page screenshots as quickly as possible.

As I wrote in the README of ExecutionProfilesLoader project, last year I wanted to take screenshots of 6000 URLs. The job took me 6000 * 10 seconds = over 17 hours. Obviously it's too long. I wanted to make the job run faster.

It is a simple job to take a screenshot of a web page.

Open browser, navigate to URL, take screenshot, save image to file, close browser.

Every time we navigate to a new URL, we are forced to wait for a few seconds until the page is fully loaded. This wait makes our sequential processing very slow.

If I have a machine with 8 Core-CPU, I can process these 6000 pages with 8 threads, then the job will be done in 17 hours / 8 threads = 2.2 hours.

But how can I do multi-threading in a Test Case of Katalon Studio?

I know that Katalon Studio offers a feature of executing Test Suites in parallel mode. It isn't satisfactory for me. It is too coarse-grained. I want a way to execute a piece of Groovy scripts in fine-grained / light-weighted Java Threads.


1. You can call Groovy Closure in Katalon Test Case

d It is quite easy to create a Groovy Closure that contains WebUI.* statements in a Test Case. Executing it is a breeze. See the following example.

When you execute this, you will see a browser window opens, shows a web page, and closes.

2. You can excute Groovy Closures using ExecutorService utility

java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService makes conncurrent programming in Java/Groovy much easier. A Groovy Closure implemwents the java.util.concurrent.Callable interface. You can execute Closures of WebUI.* statements using ExecutorSerivce utility in a Katalon Test Case.

The following sample code shows 2 Closures are in 2 threads sequantially in Katalon Test Case.

When you execute this code, you will see 2 browser windows opened/closed sequentially.

3. You can parametrize Closures

I want to parametrize a Closure. I want to execute 2 instances of a Groovy Closure with different values of parameters. The following code shows how to do it. I made a Groovy Class URLVisitor which implements the java.util.concurrent.Callable interface. Its constructor accepts parameters.

When you execute this code, you will see 2 browser windows opened/closed sequentially.

4. You can only see 1 browser window

Now I want to execute 2 Closures simultaneously, in parallel. The following code does that:

The code difference between this and the previous one is only 1 character. The size of Thread Pool is changed: 1 -> 4.

ExecutorService exService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)

Of course I would expect to see 2 Browser windows to open.

When I executed this example, I got puzzled. I executed 2 threads in parallel, and I saw only 1 window opened. why?

What you see is not what you get, sometimes. The fact is, acutally 2 windows were opened by the script, but the windows were displayed overlayed at the same position (x, y coordinate) with just the same dimension (width, height). So I could see only one. This behavior is very confusing.

5. Introduce TestClosure to manage layout of browser windows

I want to manage the layout of browser windows. I want them displayed at different positions (x, y) so that I can see them identifiable. But how can I do it?

WebDriver API provides tools for us to solve this problem. You can explicitly set Window Position and Size. For example,

driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(50,200));


driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(300,500));

I want to call WebDriver API to set position and size to the windows opened by WebUI.openBrowser('') call inside the Closures in Test Cases. The following code shows how I managed it.

The framework com.kazurayam.ks.testclosure.TestClosureCollectionExecutor manages opening/closing browser, as well as positioning the browser windows. A TestClosure will be pass an instance of WebDriver as argument. The TestClosure just use the driver. The TestClosure is not responsible for managing the browsers at all.

Problems are resolved.

Miscellaneous demo videos

You can view the videos by clicking the following links:

demo video Test Suite elasped (seconds) what it does
demo1A 27 visits 3 URLs sequentially, windows are not managed
demo1B 30 visits 3 URLs sequetioally, windows are managed in Tile layout
demo1C 55 visits 5 URLs sequentially, windows are managed in Stack layout, takes screenshots
demo2A 20 visits 3 URLs simultaneously, windows are overlayed at the same (x,y) position with the same width/height
demo2B 21 visits 3 URLs simultaneously, windows are managed in Tile layout
demo2C 48 visits 5 URLs simultaneously, windows are managed in Stacklayout, takes screenshots
demo3D 156 takes Full Page screenshots of 8 URLs using 2 browsers simultaneously. A browser is reused to process 4 URLs each. Unfortunately WebUI.takeFullPageScreenshot() takes long time (approx. 30 seconds each). Unable to post video for demo.

Using the following environment:

Caution: videos are compressed

When I executed a Test Suite in Katalon Studio to take the demo2A, the Test Suite acutally took 20 seconds to finish processing. But you will find the "movie" plays in 7 seconds. The movie plays far quicker than the acutal scene. I suppose that, while I uploaded the files to Google Drive, the movies were compressed to reduce the size by chomping the still frames off.

How to install the plug-in

A plug-in jar named kazurayam-ks-testobject-x.x.x.jar is available at the Releases page. This jar contains com.kazurayam.ks.testclosure.TestClosure and related classes. Once you install this jar into your project's Plugins directory, you can quickly start multi-threading in Katalon Studio.

Design Description

This project includes a set of working codes. Please read the source to find the detail. The code will tell you everything I could.

Here I write quick pointers:

Entry point

Have a look at a Test Case that opens 3 browser windows simultaneously:

The code is very short. Is it simple? --- not really. This short code triggers a lot.

What is TestClosure? How to write it?

Essentially a TestClosure object is a pair of a Groovy Closure and a list of parameters for the closure. Plus a TestClosure carries information where the browser window should be located and how it should be sized. The source of TestClosure is this:

The following Test Case shows an example of creating a list of TestClosure objects.

How to execute TestClosures in parallel?

The Test Case Test Cases/demo/demo2B_simultaneous_tiling calles TestClosureCollectionExcecutor. This object executes the collection of TestClosures simultaneoutly.

The source code is here:

TestClosuresCollectionExecutor creates a thread pool of 4 as default. You can change the maxThread by parameter to the Buiilder. The value 1 - 16 is accepted.

2 strategies of window layout

This project provides 2 strategies of browser window layout:

TestClosuresCollectionExecutor uses the Tiling strategy as default. You can explicitly specify the strategy as a parameter to the Builder.

Multiple threads --- does it run faster?

Yes, it does on a machine with 2 or more core-CPU. If my test case executes mutilple TestClosures with multiple threads, it rus faster than with a single thread.

Of course, the faster processing demands more powerful machine resources. If I can afford Mac Book Air M1 with 8-core CPU, my test case with Thread Pool of 8 will run far faster. I want to see it!

It is pointless to give the maximum number of threads for TestClosureCollectionExceutor with a value larger (8, 16, 32) than the number of cores you have.


I could implement a Test Case that executes multiple Groovy Closures with multiple Threads. The code ran faster on my dual-core machine than with single Thread.

The codes of this project is yet preliminary. It has a lot more to develop. Especially, it does not consier failure handling seriously.