kbase / kb_sdk_docs

KBase SDK Documentation
MIT License
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KBase SDK Documentation

This repo holds the source code for Sphinx documentation describing the KBase Software Development Kit.

You can visit the documentation website here

Editing .rst files

Most of the documentation files use the "reStructuredText" format. Read the primer here: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.5/rest.html

There is also full support for using markdown files with the .md extension. However, you will be missing many features from reStructuredText, such as the ability to document functions and parameters.

A good reference on reStructuredText directives is here: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html


  1. Make sure pipenv is installed
  2. Run pipenv install in the root directory of this repo on the master branch
  3. Run pipenv run make live to launch the local development server and open localhost:8000 in your browser. The server will automatically rebuild files and refresh your browser when you change a file.
  4. To validate your RST and code block syntax, run make check.

If you want to add a dependency, make sure to use pipenv install to have it added in the Pipfile.

How it works

Sphinx is a documentation website generator. It takes all of the .md and .rst markup files found in /source/ and converts it to an HTML tree. Running pipenv run make live creates a dynamic server that builds all your markup on every file change.

The actual website is hosted on Github Pages and serves the gh-pages branch, which has all the HTML files. As an editor of the documentation source code, you don't need to worry about this branch.

To add a page and have it show up in the sidebar navigation, you need to add it to one of the table-of-contents sections in index.rst. Those toctree sections determine what gets listed in the navigation.

Read Getting Started with Sphinx (Ignore the installation section)

Deploying changes

Note: Ignore this section if you just want to make docs updates and open a PR. The instructions below are for deploying changes from master to gh-pages and kbase.github.io/kb_sdk_docs

The gh-pages branch corresponds to the /build/html subdirectory. That directory is gitignored from master.

To deploy, you need write permissions for the github.com/kbase/kb_sdk_docs repository.


# Clone `gh-pages` into the html subdirectory
$ git clone -b gh-pages --single-branch https://github.com/kbase/kb_sdk_docs build/html


From the repo's root directory.

$ pipenv run make html
$ cd build/html
$ git add --all
$ git commit -m 'Build'
$ git push -u origin gh-pages