kbeelman / TokuCinema

Monster Movie Review Website
2 stars 0 forks source link


Monster Movie Review Website


Note - Commands were run using powershell for Windows and Bash for Mac OSX

  1. Nodejs and npm

    • Install latest versions of Nodejs and npm:
      • Nodejs: download Windows installer here: Node
      • npm: (bundled with Nodejs)
  2. Install Angular CLI globally on your machine

    • Install Angular CLI version: "1.0.5" or greater
      • run cmd: npm install -g @angular/cli
  3. Install the Firebase CLI globally on your machine

    • run cmd: npm install -g firebase-tools
  4. Install project packages

    • Clone this Repo
      • run cmd: git clone https://github.com/kbeelman/TokuCinema.git
    • "cd" into the nested "TokuCinema" folder (The root of the repo is also named TokuCinema) and run the following commands:
      • run cmd: npm install

Running the Application for Development

  1. Start Application and Typescript Transpilation

    • cd into the inner "TokuCinema" folder
      • run cmd: ng serve
      • to run the application using the production database run cmd ng serve --env=prod

    You should now be able to hit the site at "localhost:4200"

Debugging in VS Code

  1. Create a launch.json config file

    • If there isn't already a launch.json file in the root of the repo in a folder named ".vscode," create one by opening the debug tab in the editor and clicking the gear (settings) icon.

    • Replace the configurations in that file with the following:

      "version": "0.2.0",
      "configurations": [
          "name": "Launch",
          "type": "chrome",
          "request": "launch",
          "url": "http://localhost:4200",
          "port": 9223,
          "sourceMaps": true,
          "diagnosticLogging": true,
          "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/TokuCinema"
          // Mac 
          //"userDataDir": "/Users/joseph.bayes/dummyChrome"
          // Windows - just leave "userDataDir" blank

Deploying to the Dev Server

  1. Build & Deploy the project

    • Run the below script to build the project:
      • run cmd: npm run build-dev
    • Run the below script to deploy the project:
      • run cmd: npm run deploy-dev
    • Alternatively, you can build and deploy with one command:
      • run cmd: npm run build-deploy-dev
    • Dev location: TokuCinema Dev
  2. Commit/Push the changes

Deploying to Production

  1. Merge master with development

    • Checkout master branch
      • run cmd: git checkout master
      • run cmd: git merge development
  2. Build & Deploy the project

    • Run the below script to build the project:
      • run cmd: npm run build
    • Run the below script to deploy the project:
      • run cmd: npm run deploy
    • Alternatively, you can build and deploy with one command:
      • run cmd: npm run build-deploy
    • Prod location: TokuCinema Prod
  3. Commit/Push the changes