kbknapp / cargo-extras

A collection of cargo subcommands
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
36 stars 2 forks source link


Linux: Travis

Latest on crates.io: Crates.io

Latest on Github: GitHub release

A collection of cargo subcommands for use while working on Rust source code and projects. This repository and package aims to make it easy to install all the additional commands at once.


You can install all of the subcommands included in cargo-extras with a single cargo install.


Because one of the subcommands requires cmake to build, you must have cmake installed on your system. Follow your operating system's guidance for installing this package.

Primary Method: cargo install

To install from crates.io simply run

$ cargo install cargo-extras

Alternatively you can track the latest on the master branch in this repo (if the version badges above are different, the master branch here may contain bleeding edge updates that haven't been released to the crates.io version):

$ cargo install --git https://github.com/kbknapp/cargo-extras

To see all the commands that are now installed (to include standard cargo commands):

$ cargo --list

If you get an error about the install command not being found, or are using multirust1,2 you could run:

$ multirust run nightly cargo install cargo-extras

Note: As of Rust 1.5 the cargo install command is included, no more requirement to use a nightly compiler. So if you are receiving the above error, and using a stable compiler version, ensure that you have at least Rust 1.5

You may also, instead compile and install the traditional way by following the instructions below.

OSX Specific Issue

On El Capitan there is an issue with openssl-sys (see the related issue) which can be solved by running these two commands (assuming you have Homebrew)

$ brew install openssl
$ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/include cargo install cargo-extras

Alternate Method: Compiling

Follow these instructions to compile cargo-extras, then skip down to Installation.

  1. Ensure you have current version of cargo and Rust installed
  2. Clone the project $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/kbknapp/cargo-extras && cd cargo-extras
  3. Build the project $ cargo build --release (NOTE: There is a large performance difference when compiling without optimizations, so I recommend always using --release to enable to them)
  4. Once complete, all the binaries will be located at target/release/


All you need to do is place the binary subcommands somewhere in your $PATH. Then run cargo <command> anywhere in your project directory. Example:

$ cp target/release/cargo-* ~/.bin

In the above example, the .bin directory inside my home directory is inside my $PATH

Linux / OS X

You have two options, place cargo-count into a directory that is already located in your $PATH variable (To see which directories those are, open a terminal and type echo "${PATH//:/\n}", the quotation marks are important), or you can add a custom directory to your $PATH

Option 1 If you have write permission to a directory listed in your $PATH or you have root permission (or via sudo), simply copy the binaries $ cp target/release/cargo-* to that directory # sudo cp target/release/cargo-* /usr/local/bin

Option 2 If you do not have root, sudo, or write permission to any directory already in $PATH you can create a directory inside your home directory, and add that. Many people use $HOME/.bin to keep it hidden (and not clutter your home directory), or $HOME/bin if you want it to be always visible. Here is an example to make the directory, add it to $PATH, and copy the binaries there.

Simply change bin to whatever you'd like to name the directory, and .bashrc to whatever your shell startup file is (usually .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .zshrc)

$ mkdir ~/bin
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
$ cp target/release/cargo-* ~/bin
$ source ~/.bashrc

On Windows 7/8 you can add directory to the PATH variable by opening a command line as an administrator and running

C:\> setx path "%path%;C:\path\to\cargo\binaries"

Otherwise, ensure you have the binaries in the directory which you operating in the command line from, because Windows automatically adds your current directory to PATH (i.e. if you open a command line to C:\my_project\\ to use cargo-count ensure cargo-count.exe is inside that directory as well).

Included Subcommands

cargo-extras currently includes the following subcommands (commits listed for subcommands not using git tags):


cargo-extras is released under the terms of the MIT. See the LICENSE-MIT file for the details. The subcommands themselves may be released under different licenes, see the src and the binary in question, most commands have a license file included with them.