kbongco / sample-management-frontend

A new version of the idea I had working in the food and cosmetics industry to manage samples going in and out of testing. Frontend
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Sample Management App (named TBD)

A web application which replaces the usage of excel spread sheets in the laboratory which tracks samples going in an out of the lab for testing, as well as a way to record results in one place.

Project Description

What is this project about?
In my previous career before switching over to tech I worked as a laboratory technician in multiple food and cosmetic labs either doing product development work or doing quality control testing.

In one of my previous roles, I worked for a Cosmetics company doing stability testing for the samples going in and out of the lab. There was an excel spread sheet that kept track of all the samples that were going in for stability testing. Within the first few weeks of me working there, I noticed there were several problems which would often lead to lost samples, angry chemists, and frustrated stability testers. In addition, when the chemists were submitting their paperwork sometimes it would cause it to go missing prior to myself and my colleague entering in the samples that had to be tested, which would lead to angry chemists.

This project is a one-stop shop and a way to replace the usage of excel sheets keeping track of things going in and out of the lab. While bigger companies can afford LIMS (laboratory inventory management system) this project I'm creating will hopefully be more cost effective for more smaller labs that may not be able to afford something that fancy.

I am currently developing the front end, as I am mostly a front end developer when it comes to development. At some point I will be starting the backend.

Technologies used in the front end
Figma for design mockups
Jest for tests
Other tools are still being determined

How to run

Currently this is still in development. But if you are curious on how the project runs this is the instructions.

  1. Clone down this repo
  2. Go into the folder, and run npm run start
  3. Once the app is running you can go to localhost:3000 and start playing around with it

There are also tests that you can run that you can run to ensure the features are working as expected. This command is: npm test

Features that will be developed

Coming soon

Some other questions

Is there a backend connected with this?

Not yet unfortunately. As I mentioned above I'm mostly a front end developer by trade when it comes to development. So that's why I did the front end first. That being said, if you want to help me with that and figure out how to scale this send me an email and let's chat.

Can I help out?

For sure! Send me and email and we can definitely talk it out!