kbredemeier / off_broadway_mqtt

MQTT Producer for https://github.com/plataformatec/broadway
Apache License 2.0
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A MQTT connector for Broadway.


Add off_broadway_mqtt_connector to the list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:off_broadway_mqtt, "~> 0.1.0", hex: "off_broadway_mqtt_connector"}

Notice that the package has a different name than the application!


Add it as a producer to your Broadway:

defmodule MyApp.NincompoopFilter do
  use OffBroadway.MQTT

  defmodule Nincompoop do
    defexception ack: :ignore, message: nil

    def message(e) do
      "message is probably coming from a nincompoop: " <> e.message

  def start_link(config, topic) do
      name: __MODULE__,
      producers: [
        default: [
          module: {Producer, [config, subscription: {topic, 0}]},
          stages: 1
      processors: [default: [stages: 1]],
      batchers: [
        default: [stages: 1, batch_size: 10]

  @impl true
  def handle_message(_processor_name, message, _context) do
    |> Message.update_data(&process_data/1)
    e ->
      Message.failed(message, e)

  defp process_data(%OffBroadway.MQTT.Data{acc: msg} = data) do
    |> String.downcase()
    |> String.contains?("great again")
    |> case do
      true -> raise Nincompoop, "contains \"great again\""
      false -> data

  @impl true
  def handle_batch(_, messages, _batch_info, _context) do
    # ...

Start it by passing it at least a t:OffBroadway.MQTT.Config.t/0 and the subscription option with a topic to subscribe to and the desired QOS. For further options refer to the OffBroadway.MQTT.Producer docs.

Default values for the configuration can be given via the mix config:

use Mix.Config

config :off_broadway_mqtt,
  client_id_prefix: "sensor_data_processor",
  server_opts: [
    host: "vernemq",
    port: 8883,
    transport: :ssl
  handler: MyApp.BetterHandler

Then build a config and start your broadway:

# Builds a configuration with all configured default values
config = OffBroadway.MQTT.Config.new_from_app_config()

# Builds a configuration from the defaults and overrides values
config =
    client_id_prefix: "myapp",
    server_opts: [
      host: "mosquitto",
      # port is converted into a `integer` if it is not already one
      port: "1883",
      transport: :tcp,
      username: "admin",
      password: "admin"

# Start broadway
MyApp.NincompoopFilter.start(config, "test_topic")

Keep in mind that any option with nil or the empty string will be removed from the server options to prevent issues when configuring the application from environment variables.

Telemetry events

Telemetry events are disabled by default. To enable them the following must be configured at compile time:

use Mix.Config

config :off_broadway_mqtt,
  telemetry_enabled: true,

A prefix can be configured that is used to prefix any telemetry event.

use Mix.Config

config :off_broadway_mqtt,
  telemetry_prefix: :my_broadway,

The prefix can also be passed at runtime with the t:OffBroadway.MQTT.Config.t/0 to the producer.

The following events are emitted:


For development you probably need a running MQTT server in your develoment environment. The provided docker-compose.yml starts a vernemq container for you.

Then run the following commands:

mix deps.get
mix test

The documentation can be generated with mix docs. Code coverage report can be generated with mix coveralls.html.


This library heavily depends on Martin Gausby's tortoise for connecting to the MQTT broker.


Copyright 2019 Kristopher Bredemeier

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.