kbwbe / A2plus

Another assembly workbench for FreeCAD, following and extending Hamish's Assembly 2 workbench
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Another assembly workbench for FreeCAD, following and extending Hamish's Assembly 2 workbench hence Assembly2plus.

The main goal of A2plus is to create a very simple, easy to use, and not over-featured workbench for FreeCAD assemblies. Using the KISS principle: KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID

A2plus workbench tries to implement a new constraint solving algorithm to avoid some problems that occurred with the original solver. It is still under development and experimental at this moment but is showing some potential.

This project started as a fork of Hamish's Assembly 2 workbench (development on A2 went dormant and was unmaintained for a long period). A2plus can be used with FreeCAD from v0.16 including support for importing parts from external files.


Assembly2 and A2plus



Is A2plus compatible with Assembly2 ?

No. A2plus would have to handle everything in same way as Assembly 2, including bugs, exact orientations, etc. You have to assemble existing projects again.


There are prereleases available, please browse the releases section of this repository.

Known Issues

A weak point is, and is similar to Assembly 2, updating / reimporting parts from external files. Constraints will break. You should delete constraints of parts before reimporting them. After that please constrain these parts again.

This behaviour is due to FreeCAD's lack of Topological Naming and is difficult to correct at the moment. This phenomena is seen in many proprietary CAD solutions. Some work is being done to address this in future releases of FreeCAD which will improve this behaviour.


Automatic Installation

FreeCAD Addon manager status

The recommended way to install A2plus is via FreeCAD's Addon Manager under the Tools → 'Addon Manager' dropdown menu.

Manual Installation

The following directions explain how to install A2plus manually on different platforms #### Linux FreeCAD(version of your choice) has to be installed beforehand. Use the CLI to install A2plus: ```bash $ sudo apt-get install git python-numpy python-pyside $ mkdir ~/.FreeCAD/Mod $ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod $ git clone https://github.com/kbwbe/A2plus.git ``` Once installed, use `git` to easily update to the latest version: ```bash $ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod/A2plus $ git pull $ rm *.pyc ``` #### Windows Pre-requisite: FreeCAD >= v0.16+ Download the git repository as a ZIP on to you local drive. Refer to the [corresponding tutorial](https://wiki.freecadweb.org/How_to_install_additional_workbenches) on the FreeCAD wiki. Unzip the downloaded repository within your Mod/ folder. A A2plus-folder should appear within you Mod/ folder. If you a familiar with `git` you can `git clone https://github.com/kbwbe/A2plus.git` directly in to your Mod/ folder. #### MacOS (borrowed from Hamish2014) * download the git repository as ZIP * assuming FreeCAD is installed in "/Applications/FreeCAD/v 0.17", go to "/Applications/FreeCAD/v 0.17" in the Browser, and select FreeCAD.app * right-click and select "Show Package Contents", a new window will appear with a folder named "Contents" * single-click on the folder "Contents" and select the folder "Mod" * in the folder "Mod" create a new folder named "A2plus" * unzip downloaded repository in the folder "Contents/Mod/A2plus"

Features of the A2plus workbench

(work in progress)

Current Features like shown in the workbench's toolbar:

Usage hints for the A2plus workbench

(work in progress)

Have a look on the Feature list above, and... Please, follow the Tooltips in the workbench's toolbar and in the "Constraint Tools" toolbox. They describe what to do in which order.

First steps to create an A2plus assembly:

Editing a subassembly: