But I had a question. When I enter the python that you put in example, the print gives me in results only the id of the plane. I will also be interested in displaying other information such as speed, alt and others ...
If the data is not available from the receiver the code will skip over it. It looks like I did not add any kind of error code/handling if this happens, instead it passes over it.
Hi, thank you for all your hard work. I am interested in your code:
` from aircraft import Aircraft from queryscanner import QueryScanner
q = QueryScanner("http://RPI_IP_ADDR_AS_STRING") aircraft = q.get_all_aircraft()
for i in aircraft: print(i) `
But I had a question. When I enter the python that you put in example, the print gives me in results only the id of the plane. I will also be interested in displaying other information such as speed, alt and others ...
Thank you in advance for your answer