kc8 / piawaredump1090wrapper

PiAware and DUMP1090 API and Wrapper for Python
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

PiAware and DUMP1090 Python Request wrapper

Application is still in testing and development. If you have suggestions, comments or want to help out feel free to open a PR or submit an issue.

This is a Python wrapper for the piaware/dump1090 ADBS library. This module requests information from the Raspberry Pi via a RESTful request. Returning a list of all aircraf the PiAware is reading.

You will need local LAN access to a Piaware enabled device.



Sample Usuage

from aircraft import Aircraft
from queryscanner import QueryScanner

q = QueryScanner("http://RPI_IP_ADDR_AS_STRING")
aircraft = q.get_all_aircraft()

for i in aircraft: 
