kcmerrill / alfred

(v0.2) Even Batman needs a little help. Task runner. Automator. Build system.
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Is there a replacement for Test command? #53

Closed iilyak closed 6 years ago

iilyak commented 6 years ago

New version removes test/fail/ok. Is there any replacement?

kcmerrill commented 6 years ago

Fail and Ok should both be there ... if they are not working let me know.

Regarding test ... that is not a current component. I thought about adding test back in but ultimately every time I've used test, it was better suited to create a new task with ok/fail

iilyak commented 6 years ago

I have a following case:

  summary: Generate ssh keys
  command: bla bla

   test: #check if ./ssh.public.key exists
   summary: Do something usefull
   command: bla bla

The user would normally use other.task. I want it to complain and return error which would inform user that he needs to run ssh.keys command once. With ok/fail solution ssh.keys would know about other.task.

I'll try to use checkpoints or setup for this, not sure if it would work.

kcmerrill commented 6 years ago

Heh. This is actually the exact use case when I created the test component originally. However, over time I found that using commands that would fail ultimately was cleaner.

So ... an easy fix for your use case.

   summary: Do something usefull
   commands: |
      cat ~/.ssh/public.key #or something else useful ... you can use `test`, or `ls` or other things
      bla bla