kcmerrill / alfred

(v0.2) Even Batman needs a little help. Task runner. Automator. Build system.
MIT License
63 stars 14 forks source link
automation build-system build-tool developer-tools task-runner

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Even Batman needs a little help.


A simple go/yaml powered make file/task runner with a bit of a twist and a ton of flexibility.


For more information RTFM.

Sample Usage

Create a file named: alfred.yml

    summary: I will say hello!
    usage: alfred say.hello
    command: echo "Hello!"

    summary: I will ask how you are
    usage: alfred say.howareyou
    command: |
        echo "How"
        echo "Are"
        echo "You?"

    tasks: say.hello say.howareyou

    multitask: say.hello say.howareyou

Then, anywhere in the top-level or child directories to the alfred.yml file:

alfred Will show you all of the available tasks and a quick summary.

alfred say.hello Will simply say hello

alfred say.howareyou Will ask how you are

alfred speak will perform both tasks in the specified order

alfred blurt will perform both tasks at the same time



Example uses

Binaries || Installation

MacOSX Linux

via go:

$ go get -u github.com/kcmerrill/alfred

via docker:

$ docker run -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD kcmerrill/alfred