Closed diogoalvesderesende closed 3 years ago
Hi Diogo, It seems that the number of windows available for the model are zero, when that happened to me before it was that the output_size was too big for a series of your data, try to make sure that the series are long enough. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the prompt reply. The data has ~2.5k observations, around 7 years. I am sending my data on this link and the code is below. Thank you for the support!
`# Python
import pandas as pd
#get data
data = pd.read_csv("DHS_Daily_Report.csv")
#transforming date variable
data["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(data["Date"], format = "%m/%d/%Y")
data["Date"] = data["Date"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
#rename forecasting variable
data = data.rename(columns = {'Total Individuals in Shelter' : 'y'})
data = data.rename(columns = {'Date' : 'ds'})
#selecting variables
#selecting variables
dataset = data.loc[data["ds"] <= "2020-11-11", ["ds","y", "Easter",
"Thanksgiving", "Christmas"]]
future = data.loc[data["ds"] >= "2020-11-12", ["ds","y", "Easter",
"Thanksgiving", "Christmas"]]
#adding unique IDs
dataset.insert(0, 'unique_id', dataset.index)
#isolate Y and X
y_df = dataset.loc[:, ["unique_id", "ds", "y"]]
X_df = dataset.loc[:, ["unique_id", "ds", "Easter"]]
X_df = X_df.rename(columns = {'Easter' : 'x'})
#forecasting model
from ESRNN import ESRNN
model = ESRNN(max_epochs=25,
batch_size=4, learning_rate=1e-4,
per_series_lr_multip=0.8, lr_scheduler_step_size=10,
lr_decay=0.1, gradient_clipping_threshold=50,
rnn_weight_decay=0.0, level_variability_penalty=100,
testing_percentile=50, training_percentile=50,
ensemble=False, max_periods=25, seasonality=[],
input_size=4, output_size=6,
cell_type='LSTM', state_hsize=40,
dilations=[[1], [6]], add_nl_layer=False,
random_seed=1, device='cpu'), y_df)
The input_size and output_size might be just too big for a series in your panel to handle. Check if your panel data is balanced and try to either avoid very short series or pad them. Another thing I advice is to look at the package hyperopt (or similar) to tune the hyperparameters of the ESRNN, doing manually is time consuming.
Hey, I am getting the following error. Do you think you can help? Thanks in advance!, y_df) Infered frequency: D =============== Training ESRNN ===============
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in, y_df)
File "C:\Users\diogo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\ESRNN\", line 368, in fit warm_start=warm_start, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose)
File "C:\Users\diogo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\ESRNN\", line 186, in train windows_y, windows_y_hat, levels = self.esrnn(batch)
File "C:\Users\diogo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\diogo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\ESRNN\utils\", line 273, in forward windows_y_hat, windows_y, levels, seasonalities =
File "C:\Users\diogo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\diogo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\ESRNN\utils\", line 54, in forward assert n_windows>0