kdhaywar / CMPUT404-project-socialdistribution

MIT License
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Video Demo Url: https://youtu.be/tT1uwRmQFME

See project.org (plain-text/org-mode) for a description of the project.

Make a distributed social network!

After Cloning

1) Create a virtual environment

virtualenv venv

2) Activate the environment.

source venv/bin/activate

3) Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

4) Run the setup

python setup.py

5) Create a superuser:

python manage.py createsuperuser

6) Run the server

python manage.py runserver

7) Go to and log in using the account you created. Then navigate to 'Sites' and click 'Add Site'. The Domain Name will be: Click 'Save' and you will now be redirected back to the list of sites.

8) Click on the site you just created. Look at the address bar and notice the number: Go to mysite/settings.py and look for the SITE_ID variable. Make sure that variable is set to THIS.NUMBER.

Contributors / Licensing


Karim Baaba
Ali Sajedi
Kyle Richelhoff
Chris Pavlicek
Derek Dowling
Olexiy Berjanskii
Erin Torbiak
Abram Hindle
Kyle Hayward