kdoyen / openid-connect-php

Minimalist OpenID Connect client (PHP5.4+)
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PHP OpenID Connect Basic Client

(This package is a fork of rask/openid-connect-php.)

A simple library that allows an application to authenticate a user through the basic OpenID Connect flow. This library hopes to encourage OpenID Connect use by making it simple enough for a developer with little knowledge of the OpenID Connect protocol to setup authentication.

A special thanks goes to Justin Richer and Amanda Anganes for their help and support of the protocol.

This package was originally created by Michael Jett and extensively modified by Otto Rask.


  1. PHP 5.4 or greater
  2. CURL extension
  3. JSON extension


Install library using composer

composer require kdoyen/openid-connect-php

Then include composer autoloader


require '/vendor/autoload.php';

Example 1: Basic Client


use OpenIdConnectClient\OpenIdConnectClient;

$oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient([
        'provider_url' => 'https://id.provider.com/',
        'client_id' => 'ClientIDHere',
        'client_secret' => 'ClientSecretHere'

$name = $oidc->requestUserInfo('given_name');

See openid spec for available user attributes.

Example 2: Dynamic Registration


use OpenIdConnectClient\OpenIdConnectClient;

$oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient([
        'provider_url' => 'https://id.provider.com/'

$client_id = $oidc->getClientID();
$client_secret = $oidc->getClientSecret();

Be sure to add logic to store the client id and client secret inside your application.

Example 3: Network and Security


// Configure a proxy

// Configure a cert

Example 4: Request Client Credentials Token


use OpenIdConnectClient\OpenIdConnectClient;

$oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient([
        'provider_url' => 'https://id.provider.com/',
        'client_id' => 'ClientIDHere',
        'client_secret' => 'ClientSecretHere'

    'token_endpoint' => 'https://id.provider.com/connect/token'


// This assumes success (to validate check if the access_token
// property is there and a valid JWT):
$clientCredentialsToken = $oidc->requestClientCredentialsToken()->access_token;

Example 5: Token Introspection


use OpenIdConnectClient\OpenIdConnectClient;

$oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient([
        'provider_url' => 'https://id.provider.com/',
        'client_id' => 'ClientIDHere',
        'client_secret' => 'ClientSecretHere'

// Provide access token to introspect.
// Can take an optional second parameter to set the token_type_hint.
$introspectionResponse = $oidc->introspectToken('provided_access_token');

// Check if the response/token is active and valid (based on exp and nbf).

// Get a list of allowed scopes.
$scopeArray = $introspectionResponse->getScopes();

// Simple boolean response if response has scope provided.


License & authors information

This package is licensed with Apache License 2.0.