This notebook is being developed as part of a NASA-funded SWOT Science Team project to develop tools for planning in situ oceanographic campaigns that will take place after SWOT's launch, notably as part of the Adopt-a-Crossover program.
This package takes an input trajectory (e.g., the path of an ocean glider), subsamples output from a high-resolution ocean simulation along that trajectory, and returns a set of subsampled variables (e.g., standard physical variables temperature, salinity, velocity; derived physical quantities such as steric height; biogeochemical quantities if available). We envision this package having two potential uses: 1) designing in situ sampling strategies, and 2) interpreting in situ data in the context of a high resolution model.
See demo.ipynb
Led by Kyla Drushka ( and developed in part during OceanHackWeek21 with team Dhruv Balwada, Cassia Cai, Diana LaScala-Gruenewald and Iury Simoes-Sousa. OHW21_code folder contains notebooks developed during OHW21.