keboola / indigo-ui

Indigo UI library, its CSS and React components. Also Styleguide app showing usages of this library.
MIT License
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Indigo UI

Build on tag

Indigo UI library, its CSS and React components. Also Styleguide app showing usages of this library.


  1. Make sure you have Node 16 installed node -v
  2. Install grunt: yarn global add grunt-cli
  3. Install dependencies: yarn
  4. Run storybook yarn dev
  5. Open browser at http://localhost:9009/


  1. Build: docker-compose build (See Dockerfile to check what's inside)
  2. Run container: docker-compose run --rm --service-ports node
  3. Continue from step 3. (including) in section above (yarn, yarn dev, ...)

Available commands

Creating new React Component

  1. Create new component file in src/indigo/components (e.g. Loader.jsx).
  2. Add tests (if needed) and snapshots for new component (e.g. Loader.test.js).
  3. Add new component to main file src/indigo/components/index.js to enable its export.

Check local build of indigo-ui in kbc-ui

Make sure you have package prepared yarn build-lib.

Using yarn link (preferred)

See yarn link docs

Similar (but reversed) process applies for yarn unlink.

Using yarn add

See yarn add docs

Simultaneously with Keboola Connection (Advanced, Docker only)



First, check the content of .travis.yml file and documentation about Travis Deployment.


Releasing new version


  1. Make sure everything is working as expected
  2. Make sure you are on a main branch
  3. Prepare new version with yarn version command
    • Just follow instructions
    • This command should create new commit (with version change in package.json) and tag for you.
    • There's no need to change package.json manually or create tag manually.
  4. Push to main branch - e.g git push origin main
  5. Check if everything is as expected (you can wait until main branch is deployed)
  6. Push newly created tag - e.g. git push origin v2.0.0-beta-3 <- This triggers deploy to npmjs!
  7. Check package in npmjs registry
  8. Try to install it or update to newer version from some project
  9. Write release notes keboola/indigo-ui/releases


How to run tests?

Run yarn test. It'll start tests in interactive mode.

How to check what will be published to npmjs registry before pushing new tag?

Run npm pack. Check its manual here.

How to check react-bootstrap documentation at specific version

If published version does not match installed version.

git clone
cd react-bootstrap
git fetch --all
git checkout v0.31.5 # use version you need
npm run docs

Open browser at localhost:4000


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.