kedacore / external-scaler-azure-cosmos-db

KEDA External Scaler for Azure Cosmos DB
Apache License 2.0
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autoscaling azure azure-cosmos-db keda

KEDA External Scaler for Azure Cosmos DB

Event-based autoscaler for your Azure Cosmos DB change feed consumer applications running inside Kubernetes cluster.

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Following diagram shows the different components that are involved for achieving the application scaling, and the relationships between these components.


The external scaler calls Cosmos DB APIs to estimate the amount of changes pending to be processed. More specifically, the scaler counts the number of partition ranges that have changes remaining to be processed, and requests KEDA to scale the application to that amount.

Note: The architectural diagram above shows KEDA, external scaler and the target application in different Kubernetes namespaces. This is possible but not necessary. It is a requirement though that the ScaledObject and the application Deployment reside in the same namespace.

Setup Instructions

:warning: Caution: The Java SDK v2 client library uses a different naming convention for lease documents inside the lease container. This makes it incompatible with .NET SDK v3, the one that the external scaler depends on to estimate the pending changes on change feeds. Hence, if you have a Java-based target consumer application, your change feeds would be having lease documents with incompatible IDs, and the external scaler would be unable to detect any pending change remaining to be consumed. Consequently, it will scale down your application to minReplicaCount if defined in the ScaledObject or to zero instances.

Deploy KEDA and External Scaler

  1. Add and update Helm chart repo.

    helm repo add kedacore
    helm repo update
  2. Install KEDA Helm chart (or follow one of the other installation methods on KEDA documentation).

    helm install keda kedacore/keda --namespace keda --create-namespace
  3. Install Azure Cosmos DB external scaler Helm chart.

    helm install external-scaler-azure-cosmos-db kedacore/external-scaler-azure-cosmos-db --namespace keda --create-namespace

Create ScaledObject Resource

Create ScaledObject resource that contains the information about your application (the scale target), the external scaler service, Cosmos DB containers, and other scaling configuration values. Check ScaledObject specification and External trigger specification for information on different properties supported for ScaledObject and their allowed values.

You can use file deploy/deploy-scaledobject.yaml as a template for creating the ScaledObject. The trigger metadata properties required to use the external scaler for Cosmos DB are described in Trigger Specification section below.

Note: If you are having trouble setting up the external scaler or the listener application, the step-by-step instructions for deploying the sample application might help.

Trigger Specification

The specification below describes the trigger metadata in ScaledObject resource for using 'KEDA external scaler for Cosmos DB' to scale your application.

    - type: external
        scalerAddress: external-scaler-azure-cosmos-db.keda:4050 # Mandatory. Address of the external scaler service.
        connection: <connection>               # Mandatory. Connection string of Cosmos DB account with monitored container.
        databaseId: <database-id>              # Mandatory. ID of Cosmos DB database containing monitored container.
        containerId: <container-id>            # Mandatory. ID of monitored container.
        leaseConnection: <lease-connection>    # Mandatory. Connection string of Cosmos DB account with lease container.
        leaseDatabaseId: <lease-database-id>   # Mandatory. ID of Cosmos DB database containing lease container.
        leaseContainerId: <lease-container-id> # Mandatory. ID of lease container.
        processorName: <processor-name>        # Mandatory. Name of change-feed processor used by listener application.

Parameter List

Note Ideally, we would have created TriggerAuthentication resource that would have prevented us from adding the connection strings in plain text in the ScaledObject trigger metadata. However, this is not possible since at the moment, the triggers of external type do not support referencing a TriggerAuthentication resource (link).