keeganwitt / gmock

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Gmock is a mocking framework for the Groovy language.

Gmock is all about simple syntax and readability of your tests so you spend less time learning the framework and more writing code. To use Gmock just drop the gmock jar file in your classpath.

The current version is gmock-0.8.3 and is packed with tons of feature.

Checkout the full documentation to get the full picture.

Any contribution is welcome, including, but not limited to, raising an issue, submitting a patch, improving the document. If you want to become a member of the project, please contact me.


Getting Started

First extend the org.gmock.GMockTestCase. Create mock object using the mock() method. You setup expectation simply by calling method on your mock.

def mockLoader = mock()

The code you are testing should be executed within the play closure.

void testBasic(){
  // create mock and setup expectation
  play {
    // run your code

In A Nutshell

Here is a full example:

import org.gmock.GMockTestCase

class LoaderTest extends GMockTestCase {
  void testLoader() {
    def mockLoader = mock()
    play {
      assertEquals "value", mockLoader.load('key')