keesschollaart81 / AzureCostInsights.Marketplace

Azure Cost Insights - A widget for Azure DevOps (Maintenance repo)
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Azure Cost Insights

It's easy to get your Azure Costs out of control. Wouldn't it be great to get insights of your infrastructure spending in your daily routine?

Costs are a concern of everyone, developers, product owners and operations. They come together in Azure DevOps, so why not show these insights there?

Azure Cost Insights is a widget that you can put on your Azure DevOps Dashboard.

Azure Cost Insights YouTube video

Key Features

Getting started

You might figure it out but save some time and read the Getting Started because it has some useful tips! For example: you need to create an Azure Pipeline for the widget to work which is going to download and host your cost-data, used by the widget.

If you wonder why this widget needs an Azure Pipeline, read the 4 good reasons for 'why the need of a pipeline' here.


Everyone can use this widget, the first widget is free! If you're exicted about the product you can try out the basic, pro and enterprise plan one month for free.

Some explanations:

You can upgrade your 'free' plan by navigating to: 'Organization Settings' (bottom left corner in Azure DevOps) > 'Extensions' > 'Azure Cost Insights'.

Release notes / Roadmap

Checkout the full release history at GitHub Releases

1.0 - 16-01-2019: Initial release

1.5 - 26-02-2019

1.8 - ± April 2019

Checkout the upcoming features (or add your own request) for this upcoming milestone on GitHub

Questions, bugs, feature requests, etc.

Please raise an issue in this GitHub Repository:

Send an email at

I'm usually online in the Slack Channel.

Tip: If you have problems with the Download/Publish task, set the 'system.debug' to true to get full debugging output / raw-artifacts.

What is (not) supported

Not supported:


Privacy, Telemetry & Credit Card data

This extension will never send any of your cost data to any remote endpoint.

Sensitive Azure Data (like names of Subscription/Resource-Group/Tags), your Cost data or identities/tokens never leave your Azure DevOps tenant!

Customers with the enterprise plan can opt-out for telemetry & license api ('offline' mode) please contact me.

Only the during preview period: your Azure DevOps username (email) is included in the telemetry data. If unexpected errors show up in the logs, you might be contacted on why/how that happened. Preview ends ±feb 2019.

Some requests are made to to validate your license.

Some telemetry data is collected to make this a better product, checkout the details on the Wiki.

The payment is processed via and with (not with/via Microsoft).