keflavich / imf

Simple tools to work with the Initial Mass Function
MIT License
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Fixes #26

Closed segasai closed 3 years ago

segasai commented 3 years ago

Several fixes addressing #21, #19, #18 Also run the code through yapf formatter.

I.e now when specifying invalid mmin for kroupa a proper error is raised

In [5]: cl = imf.make_cluster(1000,massfunc='kroupa',mmin=1)
ValueError: Power law break-points must be monotonic

also the global imf objects are not modified since get_massfunc() returns new instances

Also mmin is supported now for chabrier

In [13]: imf.make_cluster(1000,massfunc='chabrier',mmin=10).mean()
Total cluster mass is 1002.2 (limit was 1000)
Out[13]: 16.70338008453732

In [14]: imf.make_cluster(1000,massfunc='chabrier',mmin=1).mean()
Total cluster mass is 1000.38 (limit was 1000)
Out[14]: 2.2684320853833024
segasai commented 3 years ago

I didn't remove the global objects -- I've groupped them. (see lines ~ 300). The reason to separate the definition of the classes from the creation of global objects. And get_massfunc works after the change (if I understood your question)

keflavich commented 3 years ago

Sorry, that's my bad! I was looking for exactly but didn't find them. That's the problem with including style fixes in with others.