keflavich / imf

Simple tools to work with the Initial Mass Function
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Simple tools to work with the Initial Mass Function

Some basic examples below.

  1. Make a simple 1000 Msun cluster sampled from the default Kroupa IMF::

    cluster = imf.make_cluster(1000)

    or from a Salpeter IMF::

    cluster = imf.make_cluster(1000, massfunc='salpeter')

  2. Create a sample of clusters to do some analysis of later. This will make clusters with masses Gaussian-distributed around a given mean mass in the list of cluster_masses, so that you could then do things like estimate the typical luminosity of a cluster for a given mass::

    from imf import imf from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar cluster_masses = [100, 1000, 10000] nclusters_per_bin = 30 clusters = np.array([[imf.make_cluster(mass*(np.random.randn()/20.+1.), silent=True) for ii in range(nclusters_per_bin)] for mass in ProgressBar(cluster_masses)])

  3. Calculate the mass fraction represented by M>8 Msun stars in a Kroupa IMF when the maximum mass is 200 Msun::

    kroupa = imf.Kroupa()

    mmax = 200 cutoff1 = 8

    over8fraction = (kroupa.m_integrate(cutoff1, mmax)[0] / kroupa.m_integrate(kroupa.mmin, mmax)[0])

  4. This figure was made with examples/

.. figure:: examples/plots/imf.png


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.. image:: :alt: Bitdeli badge :target: