keijiro / BiplanarMapping

Biplanar mapping shader for Unity
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JSON Parse error preventing me from importing subgraphs into my own project #2

Open gewl opened 3 years ago

gewl commented 3 years ago


This project looks great! I've been having trouble finding a way to use the subgraphs in my own project, though. When I import them, I get the following errors: Capture The "Biplanar Import Settings" pane in the Inspector is greyed out when I select them, and I get a similar error when I try to import the .shadergraph file from the demo project.

Do you have any idea what might be causing this? I'm on Unity 2019.4.15f1 and URP 7.5.1.

Thank you!

keijiro commented 3 years ago

Could you check if the issue reproduces with URP 10.2.x?

gewl commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm unable to update the erroring project to 2020.2 right now to test with URP 10.2.x, although I should be able to in a week or two if the problem persists until then. I did just try a fresh project with 2020.2 and URP 10.2.0b12, and was able to import the project via the package manager without problems. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help on my current Unity version!

keijiro commented 3 years ago

Could you provide a minimal project that can reproduce the issue?

gewl commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay on this.

I am able to reproduce this in a blank project (Unity 2019.4.18f1, URP 7.5.2) by following the readme's "How to Install."