keijiro / Smrvfx

Skinned mesh sampling with VFX Graph
The Unlicense
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ArgumentException using in a different project #10

Closed BrennonTWilliams closed 4 years ago

BrennonTWilliams commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to use Smrvfx in a new project. I exported the assets as a unitypackage, and when I open the Karate scene I get the error:

ArgumentException: Attempting to create a zero length compute buffer Parameter name: count UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer..ctor (System.Int32 count, System.Int32 stride, UnityEngine.ComputeBufferType type, UnityEngine.ComputeBufferMode usage, System.Int32 stackDepth) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Shaders/ComputeShader.bindings.cs:82) UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer..ctor (System.Int32 count, System.Int32 stride) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Shaders/ComputeShader.bindings.cs:65) Smrvfx.SkinnedMeshBaker.TransferData () (at Assets/Smrvfx/SkinnedMeshBaker.cs:127) Smrvfx.SkinnedMeshBaker.Update () (at Assets/Smrvfx/SkinnedMeshBaker.cs:77)

How do I correctly import Smrvfx to use in another project? Thanks!

keijiro commented 4 years ago

Did you correctly export motion/model files in the Packages directory? These files are imported via Package Manager, so they're not in the Assets directory.

BrennonTWilliams commented 4 years ago

Yes, I tried re-importing the packages folder and got an error saying I already had them. But in the Karate scene the Beta Optimized prefab was missing. I re-exported the smrvfx packages and I got a message saying they are already there. However I looked at the manifest file in your project and added what was missing in my manifest.

In lock: "jp.keijiro.beta": { "hash": "01208e373fccf53416e68dfc1afb775d0c3219f4", "revision": "HEAD" }, "jp.keijiro.cmu-mocap": { "hash": "8fda0c1770156a047ed44868c5132748960b01cf", "revision": "upm"

In dependencies:

"jp.keijiro.beta": "", "jp.keijiro.cmu-mocap": ""

Otherwise our manifest files look the same, though I'm on 2019.2.5f1. Unfortunately the project already has a lot of work put into it so I can't downgrade.

After updating the manifest files I got 46 errors, most of which look like this:

Required property 'name' not set (Packages/com.unity.timeline/Editor/Unity.Timeline.Editor.asmdef)

Is there a better way to pull your project into mine?

Also, I just wanted to say thank you for making such amazing work public. Your projects are truly inspirational and just incredible to learn from. I really really hope I can get this incredible project working in mine!

keijiro commented 4 years ago

I don't recommend using these test models/animations. I think you can use Smrvfx without any issue when using your own models/animations.

BrennonTWilliams commented 4 years ago

I'm using it on my own character now, as you instructed. In my scene I have:

I'm not sure which elements are critical and which are not important to get it to work. Currently the character just goes through its normal animation without any effects. Is there an easy way to get it working? Or does volume.cs need to be fixed for it to work?

Thank you so much again!

keijiro commented 4 years ago

Could you share a minimal project that reproduces the issue?

BrennonTWilliams commented 4 years ago

Sure, the project is pretty big so I'll recreate it tonight.

I'm also using SteamVR if that has an impact.

What is the best way for me to send it to you?

keijiro commented 4 years ago

What is the best way for me to send it to you?

If the project is small enough, you can attach it here. Or you can create a GitHub repository to share it.

Google Drive or Dropbox or something like them are okay too.

keijiro commented 4 years ago

I'm closing this issue now as I assume it has been already solved. Please feel free to reopen for further questions.