keijiro / Smrvfx

Skinned mesh sampling with VFX Graph
The Unlicense
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Any resolution limitation? #35

Closed CZHALO closed 2 years ago

CZHALO commented 2 years ago

Hi Keijiro,

I have a problem aboutSmrvfx, I'm working on a Unity Project recently, conbined with KlakSpout & Smvfx , and the Azure Kinect Example from RF solutions:

The project is about using Azure Kinect to detect users, when users shows up, the avatar should be controlled by skeleton and activated the vfx attached on it.

The project is almost done, but the GPU pressure is little too much for the PC my project would be installed, since I try to keep the visual effect, I found that lower the camera resolution helps a lot, unitil I set it lower than 1560720, when it's lower than 1560720, the Avatar cotrolled by Azure is moving correctly, and the Throttle Value & transform value is changing as expected by checking in Scene View, but in Game View & Build Game View, there just pure black.

I've tried plenty of build resolution, all of them didn't work when it's lower than 1560*720. I wonder: Is there any resolution limitation for this vfx to be seen?

keijiro commented 2 years ago

A simple answer is no. There is no such a limitation.

I think there is nothing causing the issue on my side. I'd recommend asking the plugin author too.