keijiro / SplatVFX

3D Gaussian Splatting with Unity VFX Graph
The Unlicense
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Inquiry about Setting Up Disintegration Effect Simulation #5

Closed PockPocket closed 7 months ago

PockPocket commented 7 months ago

Hello Keijiro,

I hope this message finds you well. I've been exploring the simulation setup to recreate the disintegration effect featured in the second video highlighted on the GitHub page. Despite attempting to implement it within both the HDRP and VFX projects (recognizing these as distinct projects), I'm struggling to connect the bicycle.splat file to function with the disintegration "VFX" effect graph and to visualize it within the scene function.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or assistance you could provide on this matter.

Warm regards, Mathieu

keijiro commented 7 months ago

You should put bicycle.splat into VFX/Assets before opening the project at the first time. Unity Editor will remove the metadata file (.meta) when the file body is missing.

PockPocket commented 7 months ago

Thank you, works like a charm now :)