keijiro / SplatVFX

3D Gaussian Splatting with Unity VFX Graph
The Unlicense
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SplatVFX is an experimental implementation of 3D Gaussian Splatting with Unity VFX Graph.


Is it ready for use?

No. I made many compromises to implement it with VFX Graph. I recommend trying other solutions like UnityGaussianSplatting.

How to try the samples.

How to create a .splat file.

.splat is an ad-hoc file format used in antimatter15's WebGL Gaussian Splat Viewer. You can convert a .ply file into .splat by dragging and dropping it into a viewer window.

How to increase the capacity.

The default VFX Graph (Splat.vfx) supports up to 8 million points. You must increase the capacity when your .splat file has more points. Duplicate Splat.vfx into your project and edit it to change the capacity value in the Initialize Particle context.


You can check how many points are in a .splat file on Inspector.

