keijiro / SplatVFX

3D Gaussian Splatting with Unity VFX Graph
The Unlicense
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import and convert my .ply to .splat directly in this Unity project #6

Closed PockPocket closed 2 months ago

PockPocket commented 5 months ago

I'm back at it with this project and I can't seem to remember how I was managing to import and convert my .ply to .splat directly in this Unity project. I thought I remembered that I could manually change the .ply to .splat by renaming it in the file explorer before opening the Unity project but now this creates crazy glitches when adding it to the scene and pressing play: image

converting my .ply to .splat using or polycam website creates these weird large circles and are never as clean as the Bicycle example: image

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong here ? the only .splat that works correctly is the bicycle.splat - all my other .ply creates those glitches in unity and big large circles when converted in

Originally posted by @PockPocket in