= Sinatra::Cache
A Sinatra Extension that makes Page and Fragment Caching easy.
This is a completely rewritten extension that basically breaks all previous versions of it.
So use with care! You have been warned ;-)
With that said, on to the real stuff.
== Installation
Add RubyGems.org (former Gemcutter) to your RubyGems sources
$ gem sources -a http://rubygems.org
$ (sudo)? gem install sinatra-cache
== Dependencies
This Gem depends upon the following:
=== Runtime:
=== Development & Tests:
- sinatra-tests (>= 0.1.6)
- rspec (>= 1.3.0 )
- rack-test (>= 0.5.3)
- rspec_hpricot_matchers (>= 0.1.0)
- fileutils
- sass
- ostruct
- yaml
- json
== Getting Started
To start caching your app's ouput, just require and register
the extension in your sub-classed Sinatra app:
require 'sinatra/cache'
class YourApp < Sinatra::Base
# NB! you need to set the root of the app first
set :root, '/path/2/the/root/of/your/app'
set :cache_enabled, true # turn it on
In your "classic" Sinatra app, you just require the extension and set some key settings, like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/cache'
NB! you need to set the root of the app first
set :root, '/path/2/the/root/of/your/app'
set :public, '/path/2/public'
set :cache_enabled, true # turn it on
That's more or less it.
You should now be caching your output by default, in :production mode, as long as you use
one of Sinatra's render methods:
erb(), erubis(), haml(), sass(), builder(), etc..
...or any render method that uses Sinatra::Templates#render() as its base.
== Configuration Settings
The default settings should help you get moving quickly, and are fairly common sense based.
==== :cache_enabled
This setting toggles the cache functionality On / Off.
Default is: false
==== :cache_environment
Sets the environment during which the cache functionality is active.
Default is: :production
==== :cache_page_extension+
Sets the default file extension for cached files.
Default is: .html
==== :cache_output_dir
Sets cache directory where the cached files are stored.
Default is: == "/path/2/your/app/public"
Although you can set it to the more ideal '..public/system/cache/'
if you can get that to work with your webserver setup.
==== :cache_fragments_output_dir
Sets the directory where cached fragments are stored.
Default is the '../tmp/cache_fragments/' directory at the root of your app.
This is for security reasons since you don't really want your cached fragments publically available.
==== :cache_fragments_wrap_with_html_comments
This setting toggles the wrapping of cached fragments in HTML comments. (see below)
Default is: true
==== :cache_logging
This setting toggles the logging of various cache calls. If the app has access to the #logger method,
curtesy of Sinatra::Logger[http://github.com/kematzy/sinatra-logger] then it will log there, otherwise logging
is silent.
Default is: true
==== :cache_logging_level
Sets the level at which the cache logger should log it's messages.
Default is: :info
Available options are: [:fatal, :error, :warn, :info, :debug]
== Basic Page Caching
By default caching only happens in :production mode, and via the Sinatra render methods, erb(), etc,
So asuming we have the following setup (continued from above)
class YourApp
set :cache_output_dir, "/full/path/2/app/root/public/system/cache"
get('/') { erb(:index) } # => cached as '../index.html'
get('/contact') { erb(:contact) } # => cached as '../contact.html'
# NB! the trailing slash on the URL
get('/about/') { erb(:about) } # => cached as '../about/index.html'
get('/feed.rss') { builder(:feed) } # => cached as '../feed.rss'
# NB! uses the extension of the passed URL,
# but DOES NOT ensure the format of the content based on the extension provided.
# complex URL with multiple possible params
get %r{/articles/?([\s\w-]+)?/?([\w-]+)?/?([\w-]+)?/?([\w-]+)?/?([\w-]+)?/?([\w-]+)?} do
# with the '/articles/a/b/c => cached as ../articles/a/b/c.html
# NB! the trailing slash on the URL
# with the '/articles/a/b/c/ => cached as ../articles/a/b/c/index.html
# CSS caching via Sass # => cached as '.../css/screen.css'
get '/css/screen.css' do
content_type 'text/css'
# to turn off caching on certain pages.
get('/dont/cache/this/page') { erb(:aview, :cache => false) } # => is NOT cached
# NB! any query string params - [ /?page=X&id=y ] - are stripped off and TOTALLY IGNORED
# during the caching process.
OK, that's about all you need to know about basic Page Caching right there. Read the above example
carefully until you understand all the variations.
== Fragment Caching
If you just need to cache a fragment of a page, then you'd do as follows:
class YourApp
set :cache_fragments_output_dir, "/full/path/2/fragments/store/location"
Then in your views / layouts add the following:
<% cache_fragment(:name_of_fragment) do %>
# do something worth caching
<% end %>
Each fragment is stored in the same directory structure as your request
so, if you have a request like this:
get '/articles/2010/02' ...
...the cached fragment will be stored as:
../tmp/cache_fragments/articles/2010/02/< name_of_fragment >.html
This enables you to use similar names for your fragments or have
multiple URLs use the same view / layout.
=== An important limitation
The fragment caching is dependent upon the final URL, so in the case of
a blog, where each article uses the same view, but through different URLs,
each of the articles would cache it's own fragment, which is ineffecient.
To sort-of deal with this limitation I have temporarily added a very hackish
'fix' through adding a 2nd parameter (see example below), which will remove the
last part of the URL and use the rest of the URL as the stored fragment path.
So given the URL:
get '/articles/2010/02/fragment-caching-with-sinatra-cache' ...
and the following #cache_fragment declaration in your view
<% cache_fragment(:name_of_fragment, :shared) do %>
# do something worth caching
<% end %>
...the cached fragment would be stored as:
../tmp/cache_fragments/articles/2010/02/< name_of_fragment >.html
Any other URLs with the same URL root, like...
get '/articles/2010/02/writing-sinatra-extensions' ...
... would use the same cached fragment.
NB! currently only supports one level, but Your fork might fix that ;-)
== Cache Expiration
Under development, and not entirely final. See Todo's below for more info.
To expire a cached item - file or fragment you use the :cache_expire() method.
cache_expire('/contact') => expires ../contact.html
# NB! notice the trailing slash
cache_expire('/contact/') => expires ../contact/index.html
cache_expire('/feed.rss') => expires ../feed.rss
To expire a cached fragment:
cache_expire('/some/path', :fragment => :name_of_fragment )
=> expires ../some/path/:name_of_fragment.html
== A few important points to consider
=== The DANGERS of URL query string params
By default the caching ignores the query string params, but that's not the only problem with query params.
Let's say you have a URL like this:
and then inside that template [ .../views/products.erb ], you use the params[:product_id]
param passed in for some purpose.
- Product ID: <%= params[:product_id] %>
# => 111
If you cache this URL, then the cached file [ ../cache/products.html ] will be stored with that
value embedded. Obviously not ideal for any other similar URLs with different product_id's
To overcome this issue, use either of these two methods.
# in your_app.rb
# turning off caching on this page
get '/products/' do
erb(:products, :cache => false)
# or
# rework the URLs to something like '/products/111 '
get '/products/:product_id' do
Thats's about all the information you need to know.
If the above is not clear enough, please check the Specs for a better understanding.
== Errors / Bugs
If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported.
Report it here: http://github.com/kematzy/sinatra-cache/issues
== TODOs
* Improve the fragment caching functionality
* Decide on how to handle site-wide shared fragments.
* Make the shared fragments more dynamic or usable
* Work out how to use the cache_expire() functionality in a logical way.
* Work out and include instructions on how to use a '../public/custom/cache/dir' with Passenger.
* Enable time-based / date-based cache expiry and regeneration of the cached-pages. [ht oakleafs]
* Enable .gz version of the cached file, further reducing the processing on the server. [ht oakleafs]
It would be killer to have an extra .gz file next to the cached file. That way, in Apache, you set it up like that:
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.gz$ -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.gz [L,QSA]
And it should serve the compressed file if available.
* Write more tests to ensure everything is very solid.
* Any other improvements you or I can think of.
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
* (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
* Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 kematzy. Released under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for details.
=== Credits
A big Thank You! goes to rtomayko[http://github/rtomayko], blakemizerany[http://github.com/blakemizerany/]
and others working on the Sinatra framework.
=== Inspirations
Inspired by code from Rails[http://rubyonrails.com/] & Merb[http://merbivore.com/]
and other sources