ken1882 / EHDownloader

A CLI tool with multiple options to download the gallery you want
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A CLI based tool with multiple options including resume progress feature to download the gallery you want, supports both e-hentai and exhentai.

下載 | Download

使用方式 | Usage

如需使用Cookie, 推薦使用 EditThisCookie輸出成JSON並到cookie.json全部貼上並取代。如果你的在e-hentai所輸出的Cookie是贊助者cookie,搜尋功能理論上將會找到更多結果。如何導入Cookie?
If you want to use Cookie, recommending using EditThisCookie to export them and paste on cookie.json, replacing what it's inside. If you're a sponsor you should be able to search with more results on e-hentai. How to import cookie?

If cookie has imported successfully, this program will connect to exhentai; it'll connect to e-hentai failed to connet to sad panda.


This program provides 2 methods to download:

搜尋下載 | Download from search result

(Warnging: This file will be executed as the source code)

打開 config.txt, 可看到:
Open config.txt, you can see:

  :search_options => { # do not remove this

    # 關鍵字搜尋 | keyword search
    :filter => %{

如同平時的搜尋功能, 如要撇除韓文結果則是:
Just as the search function in the website, if you want to exclude korean:

    :filter => %{
      language:chinese -"language:korean"


    # 類別 (1:搜尋 0:不搜尋, 以下的0/1的功能除非特別註明否則皆同)
        # 1: search this category, 0: don't (the 1/0 below means same unless noted)
    :types => {
      :misc       => 1,
      :doujinshi  => 1,
      :manga      => 1,
      :arist_cg   => 1,
      :game_cg    => 1,
      :image_set  => 1,
      :cosplay    => 1,
      :asian_porn => 1,
      :non_h      => 1,
      :western    => 1

如不想搜尋 misc 和 western,則把1改0:
If do not want to search MISC and WESTERN:

    :types => {
      :misc       => 0,
      :doujinshi  => 1,
      :manga      => 1,
      :arist_cg   => 1,
      :game_cg    => 1,
      :image_set  => 1,
      :cosplay    => 1,
      :asian_porn => 1,
      :non_h      => 1,
      :western    => 0

Below are contents of advanced search

    # 搜尋名稱 | search gallery name
    :s_name       => 1,

    # 搜尋tag | serch tag
    :s_tags       => 1,

    # 搜尋被刪除的本本 | search expunged gallery
    :s_deleted    => 1,

    # 最低評價星級 | Min. star rating
    :min_star     => 0,

    # 本本頁數, 即搜尋含有多少圖片的畫廊 (預設為1~9999頁)
    # How many images the gallery you want to search between?
    :page_between => [1, 9999],

    # 不啟用E站的預設過濾器 | Disable default filter in the website
    :disable_default_filter => 1,
  }, # do not remove this

  # 是否下載原圖,若啟用則需要可成功登入的cookie, 注意有可能因為流量大而更容易被ban或超過流量上限
  # Whether download original file, a working login cookie is required, 
  # beware that your internet traffic will be tremendously increased and may result a ban
  :download_original      => 0,

  # 僅蒐尋本本meta資料, 不載圖 | search meta only without download gallery
  :meta_only              => 0,

  # 下載圖片時的資料夾名稱使用全英文
  # Full-English folder title when downloading
  :english_title          => 0,

  # 每傳輸N次休息一次 (預設N=2)
  # Sleep for a time per N times of connections (Default N=2)
  :fetch_loose_threshold  => 2,

  # 每次休息秒數(預設10, 實際執行會再隨機+0~1秒)
  # Sleep duration in seconds (+0~1 sec in runtime)
  :fetch_sleep_time       => 10,

  # 額外的隨機休息秒數增加(0~N秒, 預設3)
  # Extra randomed sleep duration (0~N)
  :fetch_sleep_rrange     => 3,

  # 手動輸入抓取的範圍
  # Manually enter crawling page range
  :set_start_page         => 0,

  # 下載原圖時的最久容忍秒數
  # Maximum seconds to wait for downloading original image
  :timeout_original       => 30,

  # 一般下載時的最久容忍秒數
  # Maximum seconds to wait for downloading normal image
  :timeout_normal         => 10,

從檔案下載 | Download from file

打開 targets.txt,每行一個網址,裡面以經有一些範例,取代掉即可
Open targets.txt, one link per line and there're some examples insides already, just replace them.

功能 | Features

[0] Exit                       # 離開程式
[1] Download from `conig.txt`  # 從`config.txt` 下載
[2] Retry failed downloads     # 重試失敗的下載
[3] Resume a download          # 從中斷點繼續下載
[4] Resume a meta collecting   # 繼續被中斷的meta
[5] Download from file         # 從檔案下載

按下對應的數字按鍵即可執行該功能,若要中斷,則按下Ctrl + C,並可選擇是否斷點續傳
Press the corresponding key to run the function, press Ctrl + C if you want to abort, and you can choose whether to save in order to continue this aborted download.

If you want to pause(maybe you need to switch internet connection or VPN), first enable the quick edit mode in cmd, then select anywhere in the window to pause; to resume, just right click anywhere in the window.

導入Cookie | Import cookie

After download EditThisCookie, go to the website and click on the add-on icon, the window as below should popup (if it only has 1 cookie, this means you haven't login in yet.)

點選上圖紅圈處導出cookie, 內容將自動複製到剪貼簿
Click on the icon that red circle in the image above indicates to export your cookie.

The zipped file contain the files as below shows

解壓縮後打開cookie.json, 此處使用有自定義佈景主題的notepad++
Extract the files and open cookie.json, this instruction use the notepad++ with customed theme.

將原本的內容全部刪除後, 貼上先前複製的cookie內容接著再儲存檔案即可完成
Delete the text that already inside the file, paste the cookie content we exported earlier then save the file. Done.