SMTP Garden
A containerized arrangement of various open-source SMTP and SMTP-like servers for differential fuzzing. Part of the DIGIHEALS ARPA-H collaboration.
Status (as of 9/16/2024)
- Configuration of SMTP servers: in progress
- aiosmtpd, Apache James, Exim, Msmtp, nullmailer, OpenSMTPD, Postfix, and Sendmail are functional with primary configurations
- Configuration of LMTP Servers: in progress
- Configuration of Submission Servers: in progress
- Other candidate SMTP servers/MTAs are listed in issues
- Support containers: in progress / pre-implementation
- echo server improved with async methods. An output filter/beautifier would be nice.
- An adversary container concept proposed, needs development
- Fuzzing: early development
- A simple, payload delivery script is functional
- Preliminary testing has identified a few bugs so far
TODO (as of 9/16/2024)
- See issues tab for new candidate servers (especially
Dovecot, Twisted).
- All containers
- Continue Dockerfile migration to a standard style
Deployment (volatile)
Build and tag containers
The target images can conveniently be build with docker compose, starting with smtp-garden-soil:
smtp-garden$ docker compose build soil
smtp-garden$ docker compose build [echo] [msmtp] [...]
Or, built directly, individually:
images/smtp-garden-soil$ docker build -t smtp-garden-soil:latest .
images/smtp-garden-exim$ docker build -t smtp-garden-exim:latest --build-arg=APP_VERSION=master --build-arg=RELAYHOST=echo .
# etc for additional images. The build-args are required.
- Some servers require an alternate APP_VERSION, so check the YAML and don't assume it is always "master".
- See subfolder READMEs for each image for a configuration quick reference and brief overview.
- By modifying RELAYHOST, servers can be "daisy chained," if desired.
docker compose up [echo] [postfix] [james] [exim] [...]
- The soil container never needs to be run
Employment (early stage)
Provisional localhost port assignment:
- 25 - echo
- 2501 - postfix
- 2502 - james
- 2503 - exim
- 2504 - aiosmtpd
- 2505 - sendmail
- 2506 - opensmtpd
- 2507 - nullmailer
- 2508 - msmtp
Submission Servers
(subject to change)
Provisional payload delivery
Option 1. netcat
(or similar tool):
- Piping file contents can be brittle (expect a 554 or other error unless server explicitly allows pipelining).
- Depending on your build/system, you can probably send escape codes manually
- i.e., by pressing
, [ctrl-M]
, [ctrl-M]
, .
, [ctrl-V]
, [ctrl-M]
, [ctrl-M]
, you can send \\.\\
Option 2. Sending file contents with
./ message_file [server|"localhost"] [port|"25"]
- If you only specify a server or a port, but not both, the script is smart enough to figure out what you meant, and will apply a default for the other value
defaults to "localhost".
defaults to 25. As for server
, just give a number. i.e., 2501
, not port=2501
- See leading script comments/description for message_file formatting details.
- Note: Escape character parsing uses codecs.escape_decode(), an undocumented Python function, please report any unexpected results.
- The example payload file works fine for SMTP servers, but LMTP and Submission payloads require modification (i.e. LHLO, AUTH)