kenballus / smtp-garden

GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

SMTP Garden


A containerized arrangement of various open-source SMTP and SMTP-like servers for differential fuzzing. Part of the DIGIHEALS ARPA-H collaboration.

Status (as of 9/16/2024)

TODO (as of 9/16/2024)

Deployment (volatile)

Build and tag containers

The target images can conveniently be build with docker compose, starting with smtp-garden-soil:

smtp-garden$ docker compose build soil
smtp-garden$ docker compose build [echo] [msmtp] [...]

Or, built directly, individually:

images/smtp-garden-soil$ docker build -t smtp-garden-soil:latest .
images/smtp-garden-exim$ docker build -t smtp-garden-exim:latest --build-arg=APP_VERSION=master --build-arg=RELAYHOST=echo .
# etc for additional images.  The build-args are required.


docker compose up [echo] [postfix] [james] [exim] [...]

Employment (early stage)

Provisional localhost port assignment:



Submission Servers

(subject to change)

Provisional payload delivery

Option 1. netcat (or similar tool):

Option 2. Sending file contents with

./ message_file [server|"localhost"] [port|"25"]