kenchan0226 / RSDLayerAttn

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Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles via Region-specific Dynamic Layer Attention

This repository contains the source code for our IROS 2022 paper "Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles via Region-specific Dynamic Layer Attention".

Our code is built on the excellent repository of VOLTA.

We also upload a demo video of our model in here.

If you use this code, please cite our paper:

   title={Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles via Layer Fusion with Region-specific Dynamic Layer Attention},
   author={Hou Pong Chan and Mingxi Guo and Cheng-Zhong Xu},
   booktitle={Proceedings of IROS},

Repository Setup

1. Create a fresh conda environment, and install all dependencies.

conda create -n volta python=3.6
conda activate volta
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Install PyTorch

conda install pytorch=1.4.0 torchvision=0.5 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

3. Install apex. If you use a cluster, you may want to first run commands like the following:

module load cuda/10.1.105
module load gcc/8.3.0-cuda

4. Setup the refer submodule for Referring Expression Comprehension:

cd tools/refer; make

5. Install this codebase as a package in this environment.

python develop


We conduct experiments on the Talk2Car dataset. If you use this dataset, please cite their paper.

Thierry Deruyttere, Simon Vandenhende, Dusan Grujicic, Luc Van Gool, Marie-Francine Moens:
Talk2Car: Taking Control of Your Self-Driving Car. EMNLP 2019

The followings are our preprocessed data.

First, create a directory mkdir ./data/talk2car/.

Download the image tar.gz file from here, extract it, and move the images directory to ./data/talk2car/images, i.e., mv images ./data/talk2car/images.

Download the mapping file from here and move this file to ./data/talk2car/talk2car_w_rpn_no_duplicates.json.

Download the regions extracted by centernet (we only keep the top 36 regions) from here and move this file to ./data/talk2car/talk2car_centernet_dets_36.json

Download the instances.json from here and move it to ./data/talk2car/annotations/talk2car/instances.json

Download the refs_spacy.p from here and move it to ./data/talk2car/annotations/talk2car/refs_spacy.p

Download the region features extracted by Faster R-CNN from here, the password is RSDL, unzip and, then move the files to ./data/talk2car/resnet101_faster_rcnn_genome_imgfeats_centernet/volta/refcoco+_unc_dets36_feat.lmdb/lock.mdb and ./data/talk2car/resnet101_faster_rcnn_genome_imgfeats_centernet/volta/refcoco+_unc_dets36_feat.lmdb/data.mdb.

Pre-trained Models

Download the pre-trained UNITER and LXMERT checkpoints provided by VOLTA

mv FeYIWpMSFg checkpoints/conceptual_captions/ctrl_uniter/ctrl_uniter_base/pytorch_model_9.bin
mv Dp1g16DIA5 checkpoints/conceptual_captions/ctrl_lxmert/ctrl_lxmert/pytorch_model_9.bin


We provide sample scripts to train our RSD-UNITER and RSD-LXMERT models: examples/ctrl_uniter/talk2car/ and examples/ctrl_lxmert/talk2car/


Run the following script to construct a mapping between the id of the sample and corresponding token in the leaderboard of talk2car


Run inference on the validation and test sets (the computed AP50 score on the test set is always 0 since we do not have the ground-truth): examples/ctrl_lxmert/talk2car/ and examples/ctrl_lxmert/talk2car/

Export the predictions to a json file

python --result_path ./results/talk2car/ctrl_uniter/pytorch_model_best.bin-

Submit the json file ./results/talk2car/ctrl_uniter/pytorch_model_best.bin/predictions_for_leaderboard.json to the leaderboard of Talk2Car here (create submission button).

Plot the predicted bounding box

Please take a look at the