Download ImageNet dataset, extract it as the instructions to ILSVRC2012_img_train, it has 1000 folders, each folder's name represents its class id.
The model definition file is mobilenetv1/models/, ATTENTION, K210 does not support the method of SAME PADDING in tensorflow, so we need to add padding around the image manually before a stride=2 conv (in this situation, the padding method of conv layer with stride=2 should be set to VALID
Modify mobilenetv1/ and start your training.
Using to freeze your model from ckpt to pb, just run python mobilenetv1/ model.mobilenet_v1 ckpt_fold pb_file
Test on ImageNet, you need a val dataset of ImageNet, then run python mobilenetv1/ pb_file val_set_fold
Estimate one image, run python mobilenetv1/ pb_file pic