kengz / robocup-soccer

A.I. Python project on RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League.
MIT License
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RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League, written in Python, for my A.I. class project.

In case you're wondering, this won the class tournament, but its positioning is shitty tho.


Clone this repo:

git clone <git-url>

Assuming you have rcsoccersim on your machine, run it first. Then run the AI agent optionally with a teamname prepended.

[TEAM=<NAME>] python


aigent/aima_python/ is just for reference - that's the sample code from Norvig's Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach.

aigent/soccerpy/ contains the source for the agent and client. This is sourced from jsontbradshaw/soccerpy under the MIT license. I've modified it to add several convenient methods, but minimal modification within this folder is needed.

aigent/agent_*.py is the real deal - it lets you configure different agent personalities and stategies. For example you can have striker, defender, goalie agents, which are agent_1, agent_2 and agent_3 respectively.

Once you have the agents, you can import a distribution of them, assign them player numbers and configure their starting positions in This is also the file you run to play.


Read the paper at report/paper.pdf


Below are my notes containing strategies I used, and ideas I had no time to implement.


act if it's your team's ball. is_before_kick_off() && is_kick_off_us()


Throw in, free kick, penalty, goalkick BEFORE_KICK_OFF = "before_kick_off" PLAY_ON = "play_on" TIME_OVER = "time_over" KICK_OFF_L = "kick_off_l" KICK_OFF_R = "kick_off_r" KICK_IN_L = "kick_in_l" KICK_IN_R = "kick_in_r" FREE_KICK_L = "free_kick_l" FREE_KICK_R = "free_kick_r" CORNER_KICK_L = "corner_kick_l" CORNER_KICK_R = "corner_kick_r" GOAL_KICK_L = "goal_kick_l" GOAL_KICK_R = "goal_kick_r" DROP_BALL = "drop_ball" OFFSIDE_L = "offside_l" OFFSIDE_R = "offside_r"


When your team has the ball.


When ball is in your half of the field, and enemy's possession

player maneuver

block, evades

Neural Net

on top of predefined conditional actions and heuristics

Fields, per robot want: input = conditions, output = actions

env input:

output actions:

unsupervised pretraining on autoencoder:

supervised training:

First define ur env vars n simple heuristics

or skip the pretraining by using a random net first, plug in net n repeat

run a game, each think step collect data of outcome n prev actions, inject to db. game ends, train autoencoder w/ all actions, then train real plug in the net, repeat above for evolution

where to incorp action success: reward n cost? in selection of data, by evolution n natural selection