Simple Twitter client for Android
Time spent: 20 hours in total
Completed user stories:
Auth Flow
- [x] Required: User can sign in to Twitter using OAuth login
Viewing Tweets
- [x] Required: User can view the username, name, and body for each tweet
- [x] Required: User can view the relative timestamp for each tweet
- [x] Required: User can view more tweets as they scroll with infinite pagination
- [x] Optional: Links in tweets are clickable and will launch the web browser
- [x] Optional: User can refresh tweets timeline by pulling down to refresh
- [x] Optional: User can tap a tweet to display a "detailed" view of that tweet
- [x] Optional: User can select "reply" from detail view to respond to a tweet
- [x] Optional: Improve the user interface and theme the app to feel "twitter branded"
- [x] Optional: User can see embedded image media for each tweet
Composing Tweets
- [x] Required: User can click a “Compose” icon in the Action Bar on the top right
- [x] Required: User can then enter a new tweet and post this to twitter
- [x] Required: User is taken back to home timeline with new tweet visible in timeline
- [x] Optional: While composing a tweet, user can see a character counter with characters remaining for tweet out of 140
- [x] Optional: Compose activity is replaced with a modal overlay
- [x] Additional: User is unable to enter any new characters after limit is reached
- [x] Optional: Use Parcelable instead of Serializable
- [x] Optional: Apply the popular Butterknife annotation library to reduce view boilerplate
- [x] Optional: Replace Picasso with Glide for more efficient image rendering
- [x] Additional: User can switch between Timeline and Mention views using tabs
- [x] Additional: User can favorite/unfavorite tweets
- [x] Additional: User can retweet tweets
Walkthrough for all user stories:
Auth Flow
Viewing Tweets
Composing Tweets
Extra Functionality
GIFs created with LiceCap.