kentik / ktranslate

System for pulling and pushing network data.
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 24 forks source link

KTranslate - Kentik data to the world

Listen for a feed of data to or from Kentik and pass on in a common form. Supports rollups and filtering as well.

See the Wiki for more details. Come visit the Discord if you have any questions, need any assistance, or want to talk about the development of ktranslate.


make && make test

Build Docker Image:

To build and use a Docker image, you must specify MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY and YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID as build args:

docker build --build-arg YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID=xxxxx --build-arg MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY=xxxxx -t ktranslate:v2 .

To get your own MaxMind key, visit MaxMind.


  -api_device_file string
        File to sideload devices without hitting API
  -api_devices string
        json file containing dumy devices to use for the stub Kentik API
  -api_root string
        API url prefix. If not set, defaults to (default "")
  -application_map string
        File containing custom application mappings
  -asn string
        Asn mapping file
        Run as a AWS Lambda function
  -aws_local_file string
        If set, process this local file and exit
  -aws_regions string
        CSV list of region to run in. Will look for metadata in all regions, run SQS in first region. (default "us-east-1")
  -bootstrap.servers string
  -compression string
        compression algo to use (none|gzip|snappy|deflate|null) (default "none")
  -dns string
        Resolve IPs at this ip:port
  -enricher string
        Send data to this http url for enrichment.
  -file_flush_sec int
        Create a new output file every this many seconds (default 60)
        If true, start writting to file sink right away. Otherwise, wait for a USR1 signal
  -file_out string
        Write flows seen to log to this directory if set (default "./")
  -filters value
        Any filters to use. Format: type dimension operator value
        If true, don't poll snmp devices.
  -format string
        Format to convert kflow to: (json|flat_json|avro|netflow|influx|prometheus|new_relic|new_relic_metric|elasticsearch|kflow) (default "flat_json")
  -format_rollup string
        Format to convert rollups to: (json|avro|netflow|influx|prometheus|new_relic|new_relic_metric|elasticsearch|kflow)
  -gcloud_bucket string
        GCloud Storage Bucket to write flows to
  -gcloud_content_type string
        GCloud Storage Content Type (default "application/json")
  -gcloud_prefix string
        GCloud Storage object prefix (default "/kentik")
  -gcp.project string
        Google ProjectID to listen for flows on
  -gcp.sub string
        Google Sub to listen for flows on
  -gcp_pubsub_project_id string
        GCP PubSub Project ID to use
  -gcp_pubsub_topic string
        GCP PubSub Topic to publish to
  -geo string
        Geo mapping file
        Listen for content sent via http.
  -http_header value
        Any custom http headers to set on outbound requests
  -http_url string
        URL to post to (default "http://localhost:8086/write?db=kentik")
  -iam_role string
        IAM Role to use for processing flow
        Also send stats about this collector
  -input_threads int
        Number of threads to run for input processing
  -kafka_topic string
        kafka topic to produce on
  -kentik_email string
        Kentik email to use for API calls
  -kentik_plan int
        Kentik plan id to use for creating devices
  -kentik_relay_url string
        If set, override the kentik api url to send flow over here.
  -listen string
        IP:Port to listen on (default "")
  -log_level string
        Logging Level (default "info")
  -mapping string
        Mapping file to use for enums
  -max_before_sample int
        Only sample when a set of inputs is at least this many (default 1)
  -max_flows_per_message int
        Max number of flows to put in each emitted message (default 10000)
  -max_threads int
        Dynamically grow threads up to this number
  -metalisten string
        HTTP interface and port to bind on
  -metrics string
        Metrics Configuration. none|syslog|stderr|graphite: (default "none")
  -net_protocol string
        Use this protocol for writing data (udp|tcp|unix) (default "udp")
  -net_server string
        Write flows seen to this address (host and port)
  -netflow_version string
        Version of netflow to produce: (netflow9|ipfix) (default "ipfix")
  -nf.addr string
        Sflow/NetFlow/IPFIX listening address (default "")
  -nf.mapping string
        Configuration file for custom netflow mappings
  -nf.message.fields string
        The list of fields to include in flow messages. Can be any of Type,TimeReceived,SequenceNum,SamplingRate,SamplerAddress,TimeFlowStart,TimeFlowEnd,Bytes,Packets,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Etype,Proto,SrcPort,DstPort,InIf,OutIf,SrcMac,DstMac,SrcVlan,DstVlan,VlanId,IngressVrfID,EgressVrfID,IPTos,ForwardingStatus,IPTTL,TCPFlags,IcmpType,IcmpCode,IPv6FlowLabel,FragmentId,FragmentOffset,BiFlowDirection,SrcAS,DstAS,NextHop,NextHopAS,SrcNet,DstNet,HasMPLS,MPLSCount,MPLS1TTL,MPLS1Label,MPLS2TTL,MPLS2Label,MPLS3TTL,MPLS3Label,MPLSLastTTL,MPLSLastLabel,CustomInteger1,CustomInteger2,CustomBytes1,CustomBytes2 (default "TimeReceived,SamplingRate,Bytes,Packets,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Proto,SrcPort,DstPort,InIf,OutIf,SrcVlan,DstVlan,TCPFlags,SrcAS,DstAS,Type,SamplerAddress")
  -nf.port int
        Sflow/NetFlow/IPFIX listening port (default 9995)
  -nf.prom.listen string
        Run a promethues metrics collector here
        Enable so_reuseport for Sflow/NetFlow/IPFIX
  -nf.source string
        Run NetFlow Ingest Directly. Valid values here are netflow5|netflow9|ipfix|sflow
  -nf.workers int
        Number of workers per flow collector (default 1)
  -nr_account_id string
        If set, sends flow to New Relic
        Verify body is valid json before sending on
        If true, record size of inputs to NR but don't actually send anything
  -nr_region string
       NR Region to use. US|EU|GOV
  -olly_dataset string
        Olly dataset name
  -olly_write_key string
        Olly dataset name
  -prom_listen string
        Bind to listen for prometheus requests on. (default ":8082")
  -prom_seen int
        Number of flows needed inbound before we start writting to the collector (default 10)
        Send both rollups and alpha inputs to sinks
  -rollup_interval int
        Export timer for rollups in seconds
  -rollup_key_join string
        Token to use to join dimension keys together (default "^")
  -rollup_top_k int
        Export only these top values (default 10)
  -rollups value
        Any rollups to use. Format: type, name, metric, dimension 1, dimension 2, ..., dimension n: sum,bytes,in_bytes,dst_addr
  -s3_bucket string
        AWS S3 Bucket to write flows to
      AWS assume role ARN which has permissions to write to S3 bucket
      If to use EC2 Instance Profile of the machine (default false)
      S3 Bucket region where S3 bucket is created (default us-east-1)
  -s3_flush_sec int
        Create a new output file every this many seconds (default 60)
        Refresh credentials of Assume Role or Instance Profile (whichever is earliest) after this many seconds (default 900)
  -s3_prefix string
        AWS S3 Object prefix (default "/kentik")
  -sample_rate int
        Sampling rate to use. 1 -> 1:1 sampling, 2 -> 1:2 sampling and so on.
  -service_name string
        Service identifier (default "ktranslate")
  -sinks string
        List of sinks to send data to. Options: (kafka|stdout|new_relic|kentik|net|http|prometheus|file|s3|gcloud) (default "stdout")
  -snmp string
        yaml file containing snmp config to use
        If true, try to discover snmp devices on this network as configured.
  -snmp_do_walk string
        If set, try to perform a snmp walk against the targeted device.
        If true, dump the list of possible mibs on start.
  -snmp_json2yaml string
        If set, convert the passed in json file to a yaml profile.
  -snmp_out_file string
        If set, write updated snmp file here.
  -snmp_poll_now string
        If set, run one snmp poll for the specified device and then exit.
  -snmp_walk_format string
        use this format for walked values if -snmp_do_walk is set.
  -snmp_walk_oid string
        Walk this oid if -snmp_do_walk is set. (default ".")
  -sqs_name string
        Listen for events from this queue for new objects to look at.
  -ssl_cert_file string
        SSL Cert file to use for serving HTTPS traffic
  -ssl_key_file string
        SSL Key file to use for serving HTTPS traffic
        Log to stdout (default true)
  -syslog.format string
        Format to parse syslog messages with. Options are: Automatic|RFC3164|RFC5424|RFC6587. (default "Automatic")
  -syslog.source string
        Run Syslog Server at this IP:Port or unix socket.
        Listen on TCP for syslog messages. (default true)
  -syslog.threads int
        Number of threads to use to process messages. (default 1)
        Listen on UDP for syslog messages. (default true)
        Listen on a Unix socket for syslog messages.
  -tag_map string
        CSV file mapping tag ids to strings
  -tag_map_type string
        type of mapping to use for tag values. file|null
        Tee log messages to sink
  -threads int
        Number of threads to run for processing
  -udrs string
        UDR mapping file
  -v    Show version and build information
  -vpc string
        Run VPC Flow Ingest


To expose profiling endpoints, use the -metalisten flag. This can be used with tools such as go tool pprof to capture and view the data. For example, if ktranslate was started with -metalisten :6060:

go tool pprof -http :8080

To view all available profiles, open http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/ in your browser.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from