keptn-contrib / jenkins-service

ARCHIVED. This service has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained.
Apache License 2.0
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Keptn Jenkins Service

This service is designed to use Jenkins for executing various continuous delivery tasks. Thus, this service can make use of Jenkins jobs to:

To trigger these jobs, the service has subscriptions to event channels. In more details, the current implementation of the service listens to CloudEvents from type:

Secret for credentials

During the setup of the Jenkins, a secret is created that contains key-value pairs for the Jenkins URL, Jenkins user, and password:

Docker Jenkins

The docker-jenkins folder contains a Dockerfile and all artifacts for building the Jenkins container image. Characteristics of this Jenkins image are:

Install service

  1. To install the service, specify values for the following parameters:

    • REGISTRY_URL - URL of the container registry
    • JENKINS_USER - Jenkins user
    • JENKINS_PASSWORD - Password of Jenkins user
    • GITHUB_USER_EMAIL - Email of GitHub user
    • GITHUB_ORGANIZATION - GitHub organization used by keptn
    • GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN - Personal access token from GitHub user
  2. Run the script as shown below:

  3. To verify the installation, execute the following kubectl commands:

    $ kubectl get ksvc -n keptn
    NAME                 AGE
    jenkins-service       1m
    $ kubectl get pods -n keptn
    NAME                                                  READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    jenkins-service-cjtgp-deployment-78c8588b6f-q4hzd     3/3       Running     0          1m

Uninstall service

  1. To uninstall Jenkins, execute the following commands:

    $ kubectl delete -f ./config/jenkins/gen/k8s-jenkins-deployment.yaml
    $ kubectl delete -f ./config/jenkins/k8s-jenkins-pvcs.yaml
    $ kubectl delete -f ./config/jenkins/k8s-jenkins-rbac.yaml
  2. To uninstall the service, execute the following command:

    $ kubectl delete -f ./config/gen/service.yml