kesla / jade-to-handlebars

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Nothing happening #9

Open sengeezer opened 8 years ago

sengeezer commented 8 years ago

No matter with what option I run jade-to-handlebars, it does nothing. It literally just runs without giving me any clue as to what's happening. It produces no output, no .hbs files ever.

Although manually converting templates is interesting, I'd rather have jade-to-handlebars work. Any clues as to how to approach this?

bsyk commented 8 years ago

Are you using NamedBlocks (e.g block content) anywhere? If I removed these names, the conversion succeeded, there will be some manual work to do afterward though.

matthew-dean commented 8 years ago

Same. No combination of command-line options (targeting the folder, or running within the folder) produces anything at all. No errors are produced, it doesn't say if .jade files are found or not found. Nothing.