kesla / jade-to-handlebars

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Convert jade templates to their corresponding handlebars version.


npm install -g jade-to-handlebars


Usage: jade-to-handlebars [path...]

  -h, --help               output usage information
  -V, --version            output the version number
  -o, --out <destination>  destination folder (defaults to current directory)

*.jade files specified at path argument will be transformed to *.hbs files.


Transform all *.jade files in current directory to *.hbs files at the same directory.

$ jade-to-handlebars

Transform all *.jade files in current directory to *.hbs files at directory ./hbs-templates.

$ jade-to-handlebars -o ./hbs-templates

Transform ./jade-templates/index.jade file to *.hbs file at directory ./hbs-templates.

$ jade-to-handlebars -o ./hbs-templates ./jade-templates/index.jade

Transform all *.jade files of ./jade-templates directory to *.hbs files at the same directory.

$ jade-to-handlebars ./jade-templates

Transform multiple *.jade files to *.hbs files at directory ./hbs-templates.

$ jade-to-handlebars -o ./hbs-templates ./jade-templates ./other/about.jade ./another/some-file.jade

For features that can't be translated from jade to handlebars a comment will be inserted, for example <!-- TODO: Fix unsupported jade mixin -->.