kete / kete_trackable_items

NO LONGER MAINTAINED! Do not use! A Rails engine gem that works in conjunction with kete_gets_trollied to track where an item (with a corresponding physical archive) is physically located.
MIT License
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= kete_trackable_items

A Rails engine gem that works in conjunction with kete_gets_trollied to track where an item (with a corresponding physical archive) is physically located.

== Usage

For role based permissions to work properly when a logged out user tries to access tracking pages, you'll need to add the following to config/environment.rb after the 'AUTHORIZATION_MIXIN = "object roles"' line:

LOGIN_REQUIRED_REDIRECTION = { :controller => 'account', :action => 'login' }

You'll need to add the following to your application's config/initializers/mime_types.rb

Mime::Type.register "application/", :xls

You'll also need to create a config file in your application that looks something like this under config/trackable_item_scopes.yml:

topic: prerequisite_extensions:

use these instead of _is text_searches if want to pattern matching

that matches right hand side truncation

i.e. user search input of "10" will match "100" as well as "10", "101", etc.

- series_no_matches: "lambda { |pattern|

{ :conditions => field_condition_sql_for(pattern, 109) }


- box_no_matches: "lambda { |pattern|

{ :conditions => field_condition_sql_for(pattern, 112) }


- item_no_matches: "lambda { |pattern|

{ :conditions => field_condition_sql_for(pattern, 110) }


== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2012 Horowhenua Library Trust. See LICENSE for details.