kettenbach-it / FHEM-TPLink-HS110

FHEM-module for the TP-Link HS100/HS110 wifi controlled power outlet,57068.0.html
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 9 forks source link
fhem smarthome tplink

Release 2020-04-12 HW Version 4


Perl command line tool and FHEM-module for the TP-Link HS100/HS110 wifi controlled power outlet.

In the subfolder "Loxone" you'll find a derived module for Loxone.

Define define <name> TPLinkHS110 <ip/hostname>

Defines a TP-Link HS100 or HS110 wifi-controlled switchable power outlet.
The difference between HS100 and HS110 is, that the HS110 provides realtime measurments of
power, current and voltage.
This module automatically detects the modul defined and adapts the readings accordingly.

This module does not implement all functions of the HS100/110.
Currently, all parameters relevant for running the outlet under FHEM are processed.
Writeable are only "On", "Off" and the nightmode (On/Off) (Nightmode: the LEDs of the outlet are switched off).
Further programming of the outlet should be done by TPLinks app "Kasa", which funtionality is partly redundant
with FHEMs core functions.



## This is a command line tool to control the TP-Link HS100/HS110 wifi controlled power outlet. It requires perl and some common perl modules. This implements many commands but not all. The program is focused on querying most of the data the HS100/110 does provide. Tough it can only turn it on and off and enable/disabled the nightmode. You can't set things like schedule, wifi network etc. Use the (not so bad at all) smartphone app for this. If you want to implement more commands, see tplink-smarthome-commands.txt for a full list and submit your changes as a pull request to my github repository. It's a good tool to setup and debug Use it at your own risk!