kevin-ssy / CLIP_as_RNN

Official Implementation for CVPR 2024 paper: CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Concepts without Training Endeavor
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CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Concepts without Training Endeavor

Shuyang Sun*, Runjia Li*, Philip Torr, Xiuye Gu, Siyang Li

[arXiv] [Project] [Code] [Demo]

The code is fully released at Google Research.

## Installation ### Requirements - Anaconda 3 - PyTorch ≥ 1.7 and [torchvision]( that matches the PyTorch installation. Install them together at []( to make sure of this. - `conda env create --name ENV_NAME --file=env.yml` ## Getting Started ### Demo We have set up an online demo. Currently, the web demo does not support SAM since it's just a CPU-only server. You can check it out at: [here]( ### Run Demo Locally If you want to test an image locally, you can simply run `python3 --cfg-path=YOUR_CFG_PATH --output_path=SAVE_PATH` ### Evaluation with Benchmarks - Data preparation: See [Preparing Datasets for CaR]( - Evaluate: `python3 --cfg-path=CFG_PATH` You can find configs for each dataset under `configs`. ## Citing CaR ``` @inproceedings{clip_as_rnn, title = {CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Concepts without Training Endeavor}, author = {Sun, Shuyang and Li, Runjia and Torr, Philip and Gu, Xiuye and Li, Siyang}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {CVPR}, } ```