kevin940726 / remark-code-import

πŸ“ Populate code blocks from files
MIT License
62 stars 11 forks source link


πŸ“ Populate code blocks from files.

npm version

Starting from v1.0.0, the plugin is now ESM only. Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.


npm install -D remark-code-import


The plugin can be imported via named export, there's no default export.

import codeImport from 'remark-code-import';

See Using plugins for more instructions in the official documentation.

It can also be used in various of libraries: remark: MDX, Gatsby gatsby-plugin-mdx, Storybook docs.



```js file=./say-hi.js


```js file=./say-hi.js
console.log('Hello remark-code-import!');

The file path is relative to the markdown file path. You can use `<rootDir>` at the start of the path to import files relatively from the [`rootDir`](#options):

```js file=<rootDir>/file-under-root-directory.js

You may also specify lines or ranges:

Only line 3:
```js file=./say-hi.js#L3

Line 3 to line 6:

Line 3 to the end of the file

File paths with spaces should be escaped with `\`:

```js file=./file\ with\ spaces.js

## Options

- `async: boolean`: By default, this plugin uses `readFileSync` to read the contents of the files. Set this to `true` if you want to use `readFile` for non-blocking IO.
- `rootDir: string`: Change what `<rootDir>` refers to. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
- `preserveTrailingNewline: boolean`: By default, this plugin will trim the trailing newline of the file when importing the code. You can preserve the trailing new line in the code block by setting this option to `true`.
- `removeRedundantIndentations: boolean`: Set to `true` to remove redundant indentations for each line. For instance, the imported code of:
First line
  Second line
  will become...

First line Second line

- `allowImportingFromOutside: boolean`: For security reasons, by default this plugin doesn't allow importing files from outside the root directory (`rootDir`). Set this option to `true` to bypass this limit.

## Use as a Gatsby remark plugin

Use the `/gatsby` endpoint. It's possible through [`to-gatsby-remark-plugin`](

  resolve: 'remark-code-import/gatsby',
  options: {}


After installing dependencies with npm install, the tests can be run with: npm test


Kai Hao MIT