kevinferrare / arduino-st4

A PC-Telescope interface built around an arduino
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Question regarding pooling rate #11

Open vzr314 opened 3 years ago

vzr314 commented 3 years ago

If PHD2 sends RA+# command over ST4 interface, for how long this "button" should remain pressed? What happen if you hit RA+ button on your remote? How many steps single press of buttons make?

vzr314 commented 3 years ago

More important is how your ArduinoST4 ASCOM driver handle PulseGuide duration opcodes?

kevinferrare commented 3 years ago

Hello @CyberianIce !

It remains pressed until RA0, RA- or RESET is issued, so the telescope will move until told to stop. If you hit RA+ on the remote, it probably won't affect the move. The number of steps depends on your specific mount and the duration of the press.

PulseGuide takes in input a direction and a duration, the driver then sends a command to the arduino to start the move in that specific direction, waits for the specified duration and then stops.

Hope this answers your questions.