kevinherron / pi-server

OPC UA Server for Raspberry Pi
34 stars 14 forks source link

Raspberry Pi OPC-UA Server


Download the latest release from or package it from the latest source:

git clone
cd pi-server
mvn package

Copy that to your Raspberry Pi then unzip it:

cd pi-server-1.1.0/
chmod +x bin/


GPIO configuration is in config/gpio-config.json. Use config/gpio-config.json.example as a template.

IMPORTANT: The pin numbering scheme is NOT the same as what you see on the Pi. It's based on the pi4j and wiringpi abstract pin numbering scheme.

Running PiServer

With the above done and in place, simply invoke sudo bin/ start and wait.

You can tail the logs with tail -f logs/wrapper.log | cut -d '|' -f 4 and watch for a message about binding endpoints to know when it's started.