Author: Marcelo Ruaro, Kevin Martin
This many-core project is based on OpenPiton, an open-source many-core platform developed by Princeton University. We use OpenPiton as starting point to do our modifications. Please don't forget to cite OpenPiton properly if you use the many-core herein provided.
Link to OpenPiton's original project
sudo apt-get install git python gcc-7 g++-7 gperf autoconf automake autotools-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo python-pexpect libusb-1.0-0-dev default-jdk zlib1g-dev valgrind csh device-tree-compiler libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module
bash --login
git clone
export PATH=${PITON_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}
cd $PITON_ROOT; source $PITON_ROOT/piton/; cd -
riscv64-unknown-elf- (press 2x TAB key)
Edited: 11.Oct.2021, by Marcelo Ruaro
The openpiton command abstracts significantly the OpenPiton generation, execution, and debugging process.
Optional arguments (-run or -gen or -all is mandatory):
openpiton 2 1 -gen
openpiton 2 1 -run prod_cons
openpiton 2 1 -all prod_cons
openpiton 2 1 -run prod_cons -vsim
openpiton 2 1 -run prod_cons -vsim -wave
openpiton 2 1 -run prod_cons -vsim -wave -debug
openpiton 2 1 -run prod_cons -debug
cd $PITON_ROOT/build
openpiton 3 3 -V -all syn_parallel_9cores -debug
This project was developed in Lab-STICC - UBS, Lorient, France. Contact: (Kevin Martin)