Pythonic Iceberg REST Catalog
Base - Supports SQLite backend only.
docker build . \
--target=prod \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=python:3.11-slim \
-t iceberg-rest-base
Postgres - Supports Postgres and SQLite backends.
docker build . \
--target=prod \
--build-arg EXTRAS=postgres \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=python:3.11-slim \
-t iceberg-rest-postgres
MySQL - Supports MySQL and SQLite backends.
docker build . \
--target=prod \
--build-arg EXTRAS=mysql \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=python:3.11 \
-t iceberg-rest-mysql
Full - Supports SQLite, Postgres, and MySQL backends.
docker build . \
--target=prod \
--build-arg EXTRAS='postgres mysql' \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=python:3.11 \
-t iceberg-rest-full
Dev - Supports SQLite, postgres, and MySQL backends. Includes all extra python packages and testing utilities.
docker build . \
--target=dev \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=python:3.11 \
-t iceberg-rest-dev
docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 iceberg-rest-[base/postgres/mysql/full/dev]
Go to to inspect the OpenAPI documentation.
This can be made configurable in the future.