kevinmickey / django-prettyjson

Enables pretty JSON viewer in Django forms, admin, or templates
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
139 stars 21 forks source link


PyPi Version Build Status

Enables pretty JSON viewer in Django forms, admin, or templates. The viewer is adapted from jQuery JSONView. It is compatible with almost anything: JSON stored in a string, a jsonfield (using django.contrib.postgres or django-jsonfield), or any python object that can be serialized to JSON (using standardjson).




At the command line:

pip install django-prettyjson


Add 'prettyjson' to INSTALLED_APPS in



In a form or admin of a model, enable a pretty JSON viewer for a particular field:

from prettyjson import PrettyJSONWidget

class JsonForm(forms.ModelForm):
  class Meta:
    model = Test
    fields = '__all__'
    widgets = {
      'myjsonfield': PrettyJSONWidget(),

class JsonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  form = JsonForm

Enable pretty JSON viewer for every JSONField of a model:

from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField

class JsonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  formfield_overrides = {
    JSONField: {'widget': PrettyJSONWidget }

In templates, you can also enable a pretty JSON viewer. Use the prettyjson template tag with a string JSON or with objects (dicts, QuerySets, etc.) that can be serialized to a JSON. Note that the template tag must be loaded using {% load prettyjson %}. It also has CSS and JS that must be included using {% prettyjson_setup %}.

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% load prettyjson %}

{% block header %}
  {{ block.super }}
  {% prettyjson_setup %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
  {% prettyjson myqueryset %}
  {% prettyjson mydict %}
  {% prettyjson '{"hey": "guy","anumber": 243,"anobject": {"whoa": "nuts","anarray": [1,2,"thr<h1>ee"], "more":"stuff"},"awesome": true,"bogus": false,"meaning": null, "japanese":"明日がある。", "link": "", "notLink": " is great"}' %}
  {% prettyjson '{}' %}
{% endblock %}

The setup includes jQuery, loaded as django.jQuery to avoid namespace conflict. If your page already includes jQuery, use {% prettyjson_setup jquery=False %} to avoid loading jQuery a second time.

Configure Rendering

By default the jsonwidget will render as a raw string with a button to click to change it to parsed json. For it to render as parsed json initially, you can pass an argument:

class JsonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  formfield_overrides = {
    JSONField: {'widget': PrettyJSONWidget(attrs={'initial': 'parsed'})}

Or, in a template tag:

{% prettyjson mydict initial='parsed' %}

Running Tests

In development.

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
(myenv) $ python


Dependencies, parts of code, and/or sources of inspiration:

Tools used in developing, testing, and/or rendering this package: