kevinschaich / mintable

🍃 Automate your personal finances – for free, with no ads, and no data collection.
MIT License
1.53k stars 203 forks source link
analytics budget budget-management budgeting finance finance-management finance-tracker google-sheets google-sheets-api javascript mint mintable money personal-capital personal-finance plaid plaid-api sheets-api spreadsheet tracker



Automate your personal finances – for free, with no ads, and no data collection.

Mintable helps you:


Requires node >= v11.0.0.

  1. Sign up for Plaid's Free Plan.

  2. Install Mintable:

    npm install -g mintable
    mintable setup
  3. Update your account balances/transactions:

    mintable fetch

Note: If you're already a version 1.x.x user, you can migrate your existing configuration to version 2.x.x.


Check out the full documentation in the ./docs folder.


WTF is 'Mintable'?!

min·ta·ble: noun.

  1. An open-source tool to automate your personal finances – for free, with no ads, and no data collection. Derived from mint (the wildly popular personal finance app from Intuit) + table (a spreadsheet).

Do I have to use Plaid?

Do I have to use Google Sheets?

Do I have to manually run this every time I want new transactions in my spreadsheet?

How do I use it with banks outside the US?

How do I use it with Windows?

It's not working!
